4.7 Mix and Match
Mix and Match sets mix and match setting data.
Mix and Match setting list
Mix&Match Code
A code that specifies Mix and Match.
Primary key code.
Mix&Match Name
Mix and Match name which is displayed when Mix and
Match item is registered.
Mix&Match discount type
Assigns the Mix and Match discount type.
0: Mix&Match total discount.
2: Set price (Sales with specified price)
3: Mix&Match ITEM discount.
No. of Discount
Assigns number of discount.
0: Not discount
1 to 8: Discount until specified count.
9: Discount anytime.
Discount Type
Assigns Amount or Discount.
0: Amount
1: Rate (
) Discount
Discount type=2, always select (Sales Total) Amount.
Discount Amount
Except Discount type=2, set Discount amount.
Discount type=2, set Sales total amount.
Discount Rate
Assigns Rate when discount type is rate.
Discount type=2 does not assign.
Target item type
Assigns item type for Discount type=3.
0: Discount all items.
1: Discount cheapest item.
2: Discount most expensive item.
3: Discount combination 1 item.
Except Discount type=3 does not set.
Target Item Name
Assigns target item for Discount type=0.
Except Discount type=0 does not set.
Set items of Mix and Match
Combination Item
Assigns target items or department for Mix and Match
Mix and Match