This section explains functions that are changed with firmware Version 1.10.
Addition of a Pitch Bend Mode for Melody tones and Hex Layer tones
Addition of a Portamento Mode for Melody tones and Hex Layer tones
(Both MZ-X500 and MZ-X300; Hex Layer tone addition MZ-X500 only)
The editable parameters below have been added to Melody tones and Hex Layer tones.
The Portamento On/Off parameter setting of Version 1.0X is now incorporated into the Portamento Mode as
shown below.
Addition of Decay Time Key Follow for Hex Layer tones
(MZ-X500 only)
Addition of decay time key follow for Hex Layer tones by this version results in addition of the parameters shown
Firmware Version 1.10 New Functions
Display Name
Portamento >Enter
This is a group of editable portamento parameters.
Portamento Mode
Selecting “On” for this setting causes the portamento effect to be applied,
while “Legato” applies the legato effect. Selecting “Off” disables the
Off, On, Legato
Pitch Bend Mode
This setting controls which keyboard keys are affected by the pitch bend
effect. To have the pitch bend applied to the note of the pressed key only,
select “Key”. Selecting “All” applies the effect to all sounding notes.
All, Key
Display Name
Filter >Enter
This is a group of editable filter parameters.
Decay Time Key
Adjusts the amount of change in the filter envelope decay time between
neighboring keyboard keys. A greater value represents greater change.
Increases the value shortens the decay time of the keyboard’s high range,
and lengthens the decay time of the low range.
–64 to 0 to +63
Amp >Enter
This is a group of editable amp parameters.
Decay Time Key
Adjusts the amount of change in the volume envelope decay time
between neighboring keyboard keys. A greater value represents greater
Increases the value shortens the decay time of the keyboard’s high range,
and lengthens the decay time of the low range.
–64 to 0 to +63