This section explains functions that are changed with firmware Version 1.50.
Addition to the MIXER EDIT function of the pattern sequencer the ability to modify the
parameter settings of all elements (Intro, Variation, Fill-in, Ending)
(Both MZ-X500 and MZ-X300)
This firmware version adds an “All Element” item to the MIXER EDIT screen. Changing a parameter setting while
the “All Element” item is turned on causes the parameter settings of all elements (Intro, Variation, Fill-in, Ending) to
be changed simultaneously.
Addition of the ability to delete specific recorded notes with the pattern sequencer recorder
(Both MZ-X500 and MZ-X300)
Specific recorded notes can be deleted with the pattern sequencer recorder.
To delete a previously recorded note, start recording and then touch and hold the “Notes Delete” item. At the point
where the note to be deleted occurs, press the keyboard key that corresponds to that note. If you hold down a
keyboard key while holding down the “Notes Delete” item, the note (or notes) that correspond the key that is
pressed will be deleted when playback reaches the point where it occurs. You can also hold down multiple
keyboard keys with “Notes Delete” to delete multiple notes during playback.
Addition of the ability to modify User Wave/User Inst names for Hex Layer
and Bass Synth
and Drum
2: MZ-X500 only,
3: Both MZ-X500 and MZ-X300)
Pressing “Rename” while the Hex Layer, Bass Synth tone top editing screen is displayed will change to the
RENAME TARGET SELECT screen where you can select either Tone or Wave for renaming.
Selecting Tone will display a tone renaming screen that is the same as that for the previous firmware version.
Selecting Wave will display a wave renaming screen for the currently selected layer.
Note that you cannot rename a wave if the wave being used by the layer is a preset.
Similarly, pressing “Rename” while the top Drum tone editing screen is displayed will change to the RENAME
TARGET SELECT screen where you can select Tone name or Inst name.
Addition of the ability to use sliders to control filter cutoff and resonance when selecting Hex
Layer and Bass Synth tones
(MZ-X500 only)
Slider 8/16 can be used to control filter cutoff while the MIX slider can be used to control filter resonance. This
control is recorded by MIDI REC.
Addition of the ability to delete ZRA, ZAA, ZTA, ZPA, and ZAL files
(Both MZ-X500 and MZ-X300)
A “Delete All” item is added to the Media Menu.
Pressing “Delete All” displays a target selection screen that is the same as that for Load All and Save All. Selecting a
target displays a file list. Select a file and then press “Execute” to delete the file.
Addition of a shortcut to the user data selection screen by holding down a tone group button in
the TONE area or a rhythm group button in the RHYTHM area
(Both MZ-X500 and MZ-X300)
Holding down a tone group button in the TONE area or a rhythm group button in the RHYTHM area will cause the
top number of the user data to become selected. If user data is already selected, the same operation can be used to
select the top number of the data.
Firmware Version 1.50 New Functions