Firmware changes provided by Version 1.0X are those described below.
Addition of a Pitch Bend Mode for Melody tones and Hex Layer tones
Addition of a Portamento Mode for Melody tones and Hex Layer tones
Addition of Decay Time Key Follow for Hex Layer tones
Enhanced volume adjustment function for Drawber Organ tones
Addition of a Percussion Mode for Drawber Organ tones
Addition of user samples to the Inst Select (instrument selection) of Drum tones
Addition of a Group setting for pads
Addition of a Package load function
Addition of sample data
Other improvements in function
Firmware changes provided by Version 1.10 are those described below.
Addition of User Sampling Sets
Addition of functions to load or save all data or all pad data
Other improvements in function
Firmware changes provided by Version 1.21 are those described below.
Addition of variation number recording in registration memory
Addition of the ability to specify the number of a variation to be played after an intro
Addition of area number lookup when saving a registration
Addition of sustain pedal operation recording during pattern sequencer recording
Addition of selection of waveforms imported by an expansion tone for hex layer and drum tones
Addition of functions for tempo syncing to sample pad setting item
Addition of direct access shortcuts to the tone editing screen and accompaniment editing screen by holding down
Addition of storage of externally input mixer settings
Addition of direct button operations for modification of tone and accompaniment selection screen settings
Addition of a setting to specify the initial startup screen
Addition of a function to rewrite MIDI data header information used by the MIDI Recorder Mode
Addition of a wav file loader function
Addition of remaining memory capacity indication
Addition of sample data
Other improvements in function
Firmware changes provided by Version 1.31 are those described below.
Enhanced Audio Recorder function and new mp3 player
Folder data read and write support for USB flash drive operations
Additional user accompaniment storage capacity
New direct import from USB flash drive to accompaniment function
Enhanced quantize settings for the pattern sequencer recorder
New record repeat setting for the pattern sequencer recorder
New Tempo option for registration filter items
Note Preview sounds event notes when the Event Editor cursor is moved
New MIDI Clock output setting
Other improvements in function
Updates Provided by Firmware Version 1.10
Updates Provided by Firmware Version 1.21
Updates Provided by Firmware Version 1.31
Updates Provided by Firmware Version 1.40