Timers (Plus and Pro Models Only)
To use the timers, ensure ‘Advanced mode’ has been activated within the power up
‘Settings’ menu.
Run Duration Timer
(Plus and Pro Models)
Programmable ‘Sequence’ Timer
(Pro Models Only)
The programmable ‘sequence’ timer enables up to 9 ‘on’ and ‘off’ events to be set in
sequence; for instance a daily or weekly timer setup may be defined such that sampling will
pause during a workers breaks or lunch time etc. After activating the sequence timer, the
pump will go to sleep until the next sample ‘on’ time and day has been reached. Timer
sequence is defined within the power-up ‘Settings’ menu.
TWA (Time Weighted Average) Mode
(Pro Models Only)
The Run Duration timer allows the pump to
sample for a fixed period and switch off
automatically when that time has elapsed.
(Plus and Pro Models)
Time weighted average (TWA) mode allows the pump to sample for a fixed proportion of time
over a specified total run time. The instrument calculates the required ON/OFF cycle to
automatically spread the required sample exposure time evenly over the entire run time. In
this example, the pump will run for 1 minute and stop for 1 minute, this will continue for 8