After carrying out the personalization of a day of the week according to your own needs (for example, Monday), you can copy the program-
ming made on another day without having to repeat the whole procedure described above. In the summary display window of time slots,
select the day in which you want to copy the previously made programming (for example, Tuesday) and press OK. At this point the detail win-
dow of the time slots of the selected day is displayed. Using the down arrow, go through all the time slots until you reach the line Copy day (it
will appear after the last time slot C8): point to this line and press the OK button.
After accessing the Copy day page (indication visible in the upper left part of the screen), it is possible to select the day from which you want
to copy the programming. Once the election is selected (Monday in our example), press the OK button to confirm the copy and automatically
go to the simplified display of the slots (in our case we will have copied the programming on Monday in the day of Tuesday). This operation
can be repeated for other days of the week.
To modify the default values for the three levels (low, medium and high) used for the weekly programming, it is necessary to access the main
page of the Program menu, with the arrows indicate the level to be modified (for example Low speed) and press the OK button. Using the
arrows you can go through the different possible values and, once you have located the desired value, confirm the selection by pressing the
OK button. The possible values for these three parameters are:
- off:
stopped fans, accessed by keeping the down arrow pressed for a few seconds (off is below the minimum adjustable speed value).
- xxx%:
for units with variable speed fans (or pressure / flow for machines without cop / cav kit) you can select a percentage value between
the minimum (set at the factory) and 100%.
- 1, 2 or 3:
for units with three-speed fans you can choose between speeds 1, 2 or 3.
- auto:
for units equipped with air quality probe, relative humidity or guided by an external 0-10V signal, the fan speed will be automatically
managed by one of these devices. It is accessed by holding the arrow up for a few seconds (auto is above the maximum adjustable speed
xxx m³ \ h:
if the unit is in the constant flow version with the cav mounted kit, the desired value can be set in m³ / h of flow.
- xxx Pa:
if the unit is in constant pressure version with the cop kit mounted, the desired value can be set in pressure pascals.
Disabled heating
Post-heating enabled
Copy day function selection
Copy day: selection of the day to copy