Service Manual
Gravity Constant Value Setting (C-9)
Current gravitational Acceleration value is set to 9.7994 m/s
(1) Pressing and holding “Calibration Switch” press [POWER] key.
After “CAL” message blinks three times and shows the version of scale, it displays “C-0”
(2) Press [TARE] to display “C-9”.
(3) Press [ZERO] key, and then “ G-1“ message and “9.7994” will be shown. The first
digit,”9” will blink.
(4) Input a gravitational acceleration value by using [HOLD] and [TARE] key.
(5) Press [ZERO] key, and then “G-2“ message blinks.“9.7994” will be shown. The first
digit,”9” will blink.
(6) Input a gravitational acceleration value by using [HOLD] and [TARE] key.
(7) Press [ZERO] key to save the gravitational acceleration value, and “C9 END” message
will be shown shortly.
Displaying Real A/D Value (C-5)
Under Calibration switch on press [POWER] key.
After “CAL” message blinks three times and the version of scale is displayed, “C-0” message
will be displayed.
Press [TARE] to display “C-5”.
Press [ZERO] key, and then the display will show a real A/D value.
Press [ZERO] key to exit from it.
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