background image





For countermeasures having an asterisk, contact the nearest CAS sales or service center. 


What trouble 

Cause -> Countermeasure





Nothing is displayed by 

connecting the AC adapter to the 


 is displayed. 



The AC adapter is disconnected. 


The electrical board is turned OFF. 

There is an internal error in the 







is displayed. 



 is displayed. 


The display fluctuates. 



The display does not change 

from zero even if a sample 
having the weight near readability 
is loaded. 


The display slowly changes 

when small amount of sample is 
(Normal: readability/1 sec.) 


has appeared 



Data communication cannot 

be made. 



The mass on the pan is too heavy. 


Sensitivity is not correct. 


The pan or the pan supporter is not in place. 


Influence from vibration or wind 


Improve the installation site. 


Change  the  measurement  mode 

 to High-stability mode. 


Influence from electric noise or  

electromagnetic wave 


Maintain a proper distance from the 

 noise source. 


Zero tracking works. 


Refer to “6. Menu Selection”. 


The averaging processing is in  

High-stability mode. 


Change the measurement mode if necessary. 



There has been an instantaneous power failure.




Press the 


key (the 

 balance enters weight display mode). 


Setting of communication parameter is wrong. 


Refer to “16.4 Setting the input/output format” 


Wiring of RS-232C cable is wrong. 

or % 



has displayed. 



Set value exceeds the specified range. 


 Refer to “9. % setting” and “10. PCS setting”. 





Does not proceed to next step. 

(The stability mark does not light) 


 has displayed. 



Influence from vibration or wind 


Improve the installation site. 


Change  the  measurement  mode  to 

  High- stability mode. 


The weight used for sensitivity calibration is 



Check the weight and retry the sensitivity 



There is an internal error in the balance.  *



Summary of Contents for CBL Series

Page 1: ...2 ...

Page 2: ...TIVITYCALIBRATION 17 1 Settingthevalueofsensitivitycalibrationweight 17 2 Sensitivity Calibration 19 REGISTRATION CANCEL ANDCHANGEOFUNIT20 SETTING 21 PCS No of pieces SETTING 22 PERFORMANCE CHECKS 23 MAINTENANCE 24 TROUBLESHOOTING 25 SPECIFICATIONS 26 PARTS LIST 27 PERIPHERALDEVICES 28 1 TheEP 60AElectronicPrinter 28 2 TheIFB 102ARS 232CInterface 29 3 Input outputFormat 31 4 CommandCode 32 ...

Page 3: ...4 PRECAUTIONS ...

Page 4: ...5 ...

Page 5: ...n Pan supporter Instruction manual Inspectioncertificate Breeze guard Only type CBL120H CBL 220HandCBL320H Balance body Pan Pan supporter Pan shaft Level gauge Power jack Level screws 3 places Protection cover AC adapter option Data I O connector Breeze guard Only CBL120H CBL220H and CBL320H Breeze guard cover Only CBL120H CBL220H and CBL320H ...

Page 6: ...N POWER BAK Selects Operation Warm up Cancels calibration or menu CAL MENU Performs calibration Selects a menu TARE Clears the displayto zero Sets a menu UNIT Selects a unit Sets or No of pieces Sets a value of sensitivitycalibration weight PRINT Outputs the displayed value to a printeror ortherextemal equipment Sets a value of sensitivitycalibration weight ...

Page 7: ...ricshockwhenconnectingthepower usea3Pplugwithagrounding lineora2Pplugafterconnectingthegroundingwiretothescrewatthebackofthecase DonotplaceanythingthatmakesitdifficulttopulltheACadapterofftheoutlet Site Avoidinstallingthebalanceinaplacewhere Itisexposedtocorrosivegasorflammablegas Itisexposeddust wind vibration electromagneticwaves oramagneticfield Itisexposedtodirectsunlightorasuddenchangeintempe...

Page 8: ...ightfrontandleftfront Finally inordertomakethebalancestable adjusttherightback screwtotouchthefloor Thisprocedureallowsyoutolevelthebalancequickly 3 Placethepansupporteronthepanshaftandthenthepanonthe pansupporter 4 Plug the AC adapter into the outlet The balance shows afterself checking 5 Press the POWER BRK key All displays light for one minute Then the display automatically shows zero and the b...

Page 9: ...e POWER BRKkeywithoutdisconnectingtheACadapter Ifthebalanceisnotusedforonemonthormore disconnecttheACadapter CAUTION NOTES putwater metalpinoranythinginthebalance openthebalancecase leaveanythingexceedingtheweighingcapacityonthepan exposethebalancetoanythingmagnetized connectanythingotherthanthespecifiedequipmenttotheconnectorontherearsideofthe balance and giveashocktothepan ...

Page 10: ...e Measurement 1 Whenusingatare loadthetareonthepanandpressthe TARE key after a stability mark is lit 2 Checkthatthedisplayshowszero 3 Load a sample When the stability mark is lit read the display If the total mass of the sample and tare exceeds the weighing capacity willbedisplayed Tare Asamplecontainerorother Stability mark Lightswhenthedisplayedvaluefallswithinthestabilityband Whenthe loadchange...

Page 11: ...esnoothersetting The menu in the CBL series consists of three classifications Basically press the TARE key to go to lower hierarchy and press the POWER BRK key to return to upper hierarchy Continuously pressing the POWER BRK key returns the display to weight display from each hierarchy with single operation Step 1 PresstheCAL MENUkeyduringtheweightdisplay 2 willbedisplayed 3 EverytimetheCAL MENU k...

Page 12: ...thevalueofsensitivitycalibrationweight RefertoSection7 2 Settingthevalueofsensitivitycalibrationweight Entersecondhierarchymenu Input outputformatsettingmode RefertoSection6 2 Menuselectionwhen isselected Weight display If the measurement is done at severe measurement environment and the stability of the display is notsogood setthebalanceto high stabilitymode When the high speed sample pouring mod...

Page 13: ... key when the is displayed at 1st hierarchy menu enters 2ndhierarchymenu Inthismenu ON OFFofzerotracking settingthestabilitydetectionband registration cancelofunit ON OFFofautoprint andON OFFofanalogdisplayaremade Keyoperationandeachsettingaremadeasfollows ...

Page 14: ...whenthedisplaystays within 1unit theresolutionvalueofthebalance forafixedperiodtime When the display shows the currentlysetconditionsaredisplayedon Zerotrackingeliminateszerodrift andshouldbeon for normal weighing Whenmeasuringweightchangesovertime orwhenslowlyaddingaliquidorpowdertothe balance turnoff thezerotrackingfeature ...

Page 15: ...tcanbeset Baud rate 300 Baud rate 600 Baud rate 1200 Baud rate 2400 Baud rate 4800 Baud rate 9600 Delimiter C R Delimiter L F Delimiter C R L F Delimiter Comma Parity even Parity odd Parity none Stop bit 1 Stop bit 2 Press the TARE key Press the POWER BRK key Press the CAL MENU key When the display shows the currently set conditionsaredisplayedon ...

Page 16: ...weighthavingknownvalue sensitivitycalibrationcanbemade Settheweightvalueusingatsensitivitycalibrationasfollows Step 1 Followingthemenuselection presstheCAL MENU key to make the display 2 PresstheTARE keytosetthebalancetoweightsetmode 3 Theweightvaluecurrentlysetisdisplayedandthedigittobeset blinks Whentheweightvalueisnotchanged presstheTAREkey 4 PressingthePRINTkeyshiftstheblinkingdigit 5 Pressing...

Page 17: ... lessthan weighingcapacity CBL 620S More than 300g and less thanweighingcapacity CBL 1200H Morethan500gand lessthan weighingcapacity CBL 2200S More than 1000g and less thanweighingcapacity CBL 2200H More than 1000g and less thanweighingcapacity CBL 3200S More than 1500g and less thanweighingcapacity CBL 3200H CBL 3200HL More than 1500g and less thanweighingcapacity CBL 120H More than 50g and less ...

Page 18: ...e calibration weight on the pan At this time the stability markwilloncedisappear 9 Whenthestabilitymarkislitagain presstheTAREkey 10 The display shows zero and blinks Make sure that the stability markislit 11 Unloadtheweight 12 Whenthestabilitymarkislitagain presstheTAREkey 13 is displayed for several seconds and the balance returns to weight display This completes the sensitivity calibration 14 I...

Page 19: ... 4 PresstheTAREkeyontheunitdisplaytoberegistered Thatunitisregistered When three kinds of unit are already registered a new registration deletes the oldest registration among the three registered units However and pcs No of pieces cannot be registered simultaneously Thendeletesunnecessaryone 5 ContinuouslypressingthePOWER BRKkeyreturnsthedisplaytoweightdisplay Step for cancel 1 Carryoutthesameoper...

Page 20: ...sasfollows dependingonreferencesampleweight REF Ifthe conversionisnotpossible isdisplayedfor severalsecondsandthebalancereturnstoweightdisplay H Type REF Minimumdisplayedvalue 100 conversionimpossible Minimumdisplayedvalue 100 REF Minimumdisplayedvalue 1000 100 Minimumdisplayedvalue 1000 REF Minimumdisplayedvalue 10000 100 0 Minimumdisplayedvalue 10000 REF Minimumdisplayedvalue 100000 100 00 Minim...

Page 21: ...been alreadyregistered itisnotnecessarytoregisteragain 2 PlacethetareonthepanandpresstheTAREkey 3 Loadthestandardsamplewithrequiredpieces 4 Checkthatthestabilitymarkislit 5 WhenpressingtheUNITkeycontinuously thedisplaywillchange asfollows 6 SelectthedesiredPCSdisplayandpresstheTAREkey 7 isdisplayedforseveralsecondsandthebalanceenters thePCSunitdisplay Whenthereferencesampleweightislessthan readabi...

Page 22: ...condition as follows Repeatability 1 Loadandunload10successivetimes an weight which is near the capacity of the balance Then record the following items Xi Displayedvaluewhentheweightisloadedafterstabilitymarkislit Yi Displayedvaluewhentheweightisunloadedafterstabilitymarkislit 2 Calculatethestandarddeviationof xand yusingtheformulasshownright Load X1 X2 Xi X10 Unload Y1 Y2 Yi Y10 Where Average val...

Page 23: ...asfollows Pan Position of weight MAINTENANCE When fouled Whenthebalancebecomesdirty wipeitoffusingasoftclothwithasmallamountofmild detergent Organicsolventsorchemicaldustersshouldnotbeusedastheymaydamagepaintedsurfaces andthedisplaypanel Whenthebalanceisplacedinadustyordirtyenvironment usetheprotectioncoverofstandard accessory Thepancanbewashedwithwater Drythepansufficientlyandmounttothebalance 32...

Page 24: ...onsite Change the measurement mode toHigh stabilitymode Influencefromelectricnoiseor electromagneticwave Maintainaproperdistancefromthe noisesource Zerotrackingworks Referto 6 MenuSelection Theaveragingprocessingisin High stabilitymode Changethemeasurementmodeifnecessary Therehasbeenaninstantaneouspowerfailure PressthePOWER BRK key the balanceentersweightdisplaymode Settingofcommunicationparameter...

Page 25: ...0 250VAC 47 63Hz Balance 12VDC 0 1A Model CBL 120H CBL 220H CBL 320H CBL 1200H CBL 2200S CBL 3200H L Weighingcapacity 120g 220g 320g 1200g 2200g 3200g Readability 0 001g 0 01g Standarddeviation 0 001g 0 01g Linearity 0 002g 0 003g 0 02g 0 03g Calibrationweight 100g 200g 300g 1000g 2000g 3000g Pandiameter mm 100 100 Withtheguard 160 124 Mainbodysize mm Approx 170W 240D 114H Approx 170W 240D 75H Mai...

Page 26: ...IMLF1class in the box 2kg 321 53449 ForCBL 2200S ForCBL 2200H 3200H L ForCBL 3200S Maintenance parts Partsname PartsNo Remarks Pan small For220S 320S 120H 220H 320H 321 54847 Pan Large For620S 2200S 3200S 1200H 2200H 3200H L 321 54846 Pansupporter small For220S 320S 120H 220H 320H 321 53908 11 Pansupporter Large For620S 2200S 1200H 2200H 321 53908 01 Pansupporter Large For3200S 3200H L 321 53908 0...

Page 27: ...everthePRINTkeyispressed Autoprint Inthegdisplayofthebalance whenthedisplayiswithinzero 3count thedisplayisstabledwhen thesampleover20countsofgdisplayisloaded thebalanceautomaticallyprintsout Unloadthis sampleandwaitforthedisplayfallsintowithinzero 3counts thenloadanextsample Statistic calculation Pressing theSTATkey statistically calculates and prints the datauntilnextpressingoftheSTAT key SeeIns...

Page 28: ...Ato the balance be sure to pull up theAC adapter for the balance TheninserttheplugofIFB 102AintotheDATAI Oconnectorofthebalance Signal PinNo Signal I O Function 1 FG Ground 2 TXD Output Dataoutput 3 RXD Input DataInput 4 RTS 5 CTS 6 DSR Input Transmittingispossiblewith polarity 7 SG Ground 20 DTR Output Receivingispossiblewith polarity ...

Page 29: valueofbalanceis beingdisplayedonthepersonalcomputescreenwheneverthe SPACE keyofpersonalcomputeris pressed Baud rate 1200 bps Parity none Delimiter CR means space IBM PC AT 10 OPEN COM1 1200 N 8 1 AS 1 20 Z INKEY 30 IF Z THEN 20 40 PRINT 1 D05 50 INPUT 1 A 60 PRINT A 70 GOTO 20 NEC PC 9801 VM2 10 OPEN COM N81NN AS 1 20 line and under the same IBM PC AT Setting baud rate 1200BPS by personal co...

Page 30: ... Unit Unit At3 byte Unit Atplus Space Polarity Atminus Minus Atstable S Stabilityinformation onlyatoutputwithstability information Atunstable U For display U DL Atplus Space Polarity Atminus Minus Atstable S Stabilityinformation onlyatoutputwithstability information Atunstable U Data format ASCII JIS code Baud rate parity and delimiter change depending on menu selection ...

Page 31: ... 60AElectronicPrinter D01 Continuousoutput Continuous output of data in the balance at every approx 100ms Forlessthan1200bps itbecomesapprox 150ms D09 Outputstop Autoprintorcontinuousoutputiscanceled D07 Singleoutputwithstability Information Printingismadeoncewithstabilityinformation D03 Continuousoutputwith stabilityinformation Continuousprintingismadewithstability information Q ON OFFselection T...

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