4. How to Install
4.1 How to install the tracker
Every vehicle have OBD socket, just plug the tracker to the OBD socket is OK. The tracker needs
5-10minutes to find the GSM & GPS signal.
CCTR-831 working voltage is 9V - 40V, it can be suit for 12V vehicle or 24V vehicle. the tracker will
use the shock sensor to sense car moving to start uploading location to server, if the vehicle begin to
move, the tracker will upload the location to sever immediately every 30 seconds, after the vehicle
stop moving 2 minutes, the tracker will stop upload the location to server, the tracker will offline.
4.2 Installation Place on the vehicle
The tracker also can be installed in the hidden place, then it is not easy to be broken and removed,
because the GPS & GSM antenna are built in the tracker, so you should confirm the installation place
have good GPS and GSM signal, the GPS antenna should face to sky, and it can not face to ground,
please keep the tracker away from the big metal, the extend OBD wire can be used to connect the
tracker to OBD socket, so the tracker can be hidden in other place, normally under the front panel of
the car, or under the rear panel or under the rear glass, or in the pillar beside the driver seat etc can
be placed the tracker, and please fasten the tracker to the car body with adhesive tape or other tape,
and keep away from the other auto accessory.
GPS Antenna
Face to sky
OBD Extend
Wires (Optional)