from server,for example:"IP,d3.igps.info,,8011"Means Domain name:d3.igps.info,Ip
address:,Port 8011,Reply"ip ok"if command is effected.
7.7 Check the tracker setting
Send SMS "CXZT" to the tracker, the tracker will reply the setting of the tracker by SMS.
If the tracker has no reply, please check the tracker work properly and confirm the SMS command is
For example the tracker reply SMS:
CC831_28.0 2018/05/30 ID:1668002988 IP: 8011 BAT:6 APN: cmmtm GPS:A-05-15
CC831_28.0 2018/04/21:Software version number date
ID::Device ID
IP: 8011:IP and port
BAT:6:Battery voltage
GPS:A-05-15:GPS signal
GSM:28:(GSM signal)
7.8 Re-power on tracker
Send SMS "CQ" to tracker can make the tracker power off and power on again, some time the tracker
can not online, send the reset command, the tracker will re-power on a few minutes later.
7.9 Restore to factory setting (Back to Default)
Send SMS "FORMAT" to the tracker, the tracker will delete all user setting, and restore all setting to
factory mode, just like a new tracker, and the tracker will repower on after delete user setting. If the
0user have changed the setting, such as APN, IP, center number, etc, you need set this again after
back to factory mode.
8. Tracking platform instruction
The tracking platform is: www.999gps.net, you can use PC or mobile phone to visit the website
www.999gps.net to enter the user name or password to login to locate and check the tracking. Also install
iOS or Android App can locating and playback tracking. The tracking platform manual can be downloaded
or read at the bottom right of the www.999gps.net homepage. You can also download the manual of the
tracking platform by scanning or clicking the QR code below. The factory default login user name and
password of the tracking platform and tracking app are 6 digits of the device ID number (if the ID or S/N
number on the back of the device is 1501232688, the platform login user name is: 232688, and the
password is also 232688 or 123456) After the user logs in, they can change the password by themselves.