Hydraulic Option
vides the function of measuring water flow rate.
Equipped with a field installed flow meter, it can compute
the water flow rate from the input signal sent from the evapora-
tor/condenser water flow sensor (4 to 20 mA) to the IOB (see
Fig. 5, IOB4 wiring schematic).
Step 1: Set Factory Parameters
IOB4 Option as “Yes.”
Step 2: Set Option Configuration
Water Flow Measurement
as “2 = Flow Meter,” and enter the corresponding value of
Water Flow at 4 mA and 20 mA.
Step 3: In “Inputs Status” menu, confirm that evaporator/
condenser water flow sensor is working and giving correct
Step 4: In “Hydraulic Status” menu, check evaporator/con-
denser water flow rate value. (The flow rate value will be lin-
ear interpolated by actual reading and configured water flow
rate at 4 mA/20 mA.)
Water flow can also be computed from water pressure sen-
sors or water pressure drop sensors (see IOB4 wiring schemat-
ic). IOB4 Option must be Enabled and Water Flow Measure-
ment option configured as “3 = Water PD” and the evaporator/
condenser pressure drop baseline and water flow must be en-
tered as inputs. Then review Step 3 and 4 as above.
Equipped with a normally open flow switch, the evapo-
rator/condenser water flow can be directly indicate the flow
status (see Fig. 5, IOB4 wiring schematic). IOB4 Option
must be Enabled and Water Flow Measurement option con-
figured as “1 = Flow Switch.”
When entering and leaving water pressure transducers or 4 to
20 mA water pressure differential transducers are installed, the
PIC 5 can compute or read the water pressure difference
between entering and leaving water pressure, and thereby
determine if the water is flowing. After the water pump is
switched on, if the water pressure difference reaches the
threshold, the water flow check is passed and the chiller can
start. Otherwise there will be an alarm shutdown.
Step 1: Set Factory Parameters
IOB4 Option as “Yes.”
Step 2: Set Option Configuration
Water Pressure Option as
either “1 = Pres” or “2 = Pres.D” (4 to 20 mA signal). Note
that for Option 2 the Water Pres Drop @ 20 mA must also be
set in Option Configuration.
Step 3: In “Hydraulic Status” menu, check Condenser Water
Delta P, Condenser Water Flow, Evaporator Water Delta P,
Evaporator Water Flow.
MARINE OPTION(S) — A marine (shipboard) chiller has
different requirements compared with typical chillers.
NOTE: These options are not intended to be used for comfort
cooling applications.
Oil Stir — If Factory Parameters
Marine Option is en-
abled, when chiller is not running, the oil pump will be
switched on for 30 seconds every 3 hours whether oil heater
is on or off. When oil stir is in progress, oil heater will be
switched off.
Power Request — If Factory Parameters
Power Request
Option is enabled, when chiller is starting up, it will send
power request signal and alert 104 while verifying water
flow. After it receives permission to start feedback, the start-
up will proceed. The power request signal will remain active
until the compressor is switched on. If start feedback has not
been received 5 minutes after power request is sent, or per-
mission to start feedback is deactivated before compressor is
switched on, the start-up process will terminate and trigger an
alarm. If Factory Parameters
Cont Power Request option
is enabled, the power request signal will remain active after
the compressor is switched on. Should the signal be deacti-
vated while the compressor is running, an alarm shutdown
will be triggered.
Evaporator Approach Calculation — If Option Configura-
Evap App Calc Selection is set to Sat Temp, evapora-
tor approach will be calculated from evaporator leaving water
temperature and evaporator saturated temperature.
If this option is set to Ref Temp, evaporator approach will
be calculated from evaporator leaving water temperature and
evaporator refrigerant temperature.
Free Cooling — If Factory Parameters
Free Cooling Op-
tion is enabled, any one of the following will make the chiller
start free cooling.
• Enable General Parameters
Start Free Cooling
• In Network Mode, enable General Parameters
Free Cooling from CCN, BACNet*, or Modbus†.
• Close Free Cooling Start Switch contact.
When free cooling is in progress, the chiller will take these
• Switch on evaporator and condenser water pump
• Open head pressure valve to maximum opening position
• Open guide vane to maximum opening position
• Activate free cooling mode output contact.
• Display Free Cooling mode on the homepage.
Free cooling mode will only be activated when chiller is not
running. If the chiller is running, free cooling start request will
be ignored. When free cooling is in progress, chiller is not able
to start up.
Condenser Flush — To prevent the chiller being corroded af-
ter left unused for a long time, it is suggested to flush the con-
denser once every week.
If Option Configuration
Condenser Flush Alert is en-
abled, when condenser pump has been not running for 7 days,
alert 166 will be triggered to remind user to flush condenser.
Activate condenser flush by enabling General Parameters
Start Condenser Flush. Alert 166 will be reset automatically af-
ter condenser flush is activated.
Condenser Flush will last for 2 hours and then end automati-
cally. During Condenser Flush, the chiller will take these actions:
• Switch on the condenser water pump
• Open head pressure valve to maximum opening position
• Display Condenser Flush mode on the homepage.
Condenser Flush mode will only be activated when chiller
is not running. If the chiller is running, Condenser Flush start
request will be ignored. When free cooling is in progress, If
chiller is commanded to start during condenser flush it will au-
tomatically end and chiller will normally start up.
Fig. 56 — Trending Screen Display Page
*BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE (American Society
of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers).
†Modbus is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric.