Electrical Troubleshooting Flow Chart
Operation light off
Shorted cells.
Defective light.
Defective power supply.
See Electrical Troubleshooting Guide section.
Blower not operating.
Energize blower.
Cells wet either due to high humidity or from washing.
Cells will dry.
Unit snaps or arcs continuously
Line voltage too high.
Adjust line voltage.
Cells need cleaning.
Clean cells.
Broken ionizer wire.
Replace wire.
Broken contact spring on cell.
Replace spring.
Broken insulator in cell.
Replace insulator.
Broken insulator in power door.
Replace insulator.
Foreign material lodged in ionizer or between plates.
Remove object.
Bent plates.
Humming noise
Improper wiring connections.
Loose ionizer wires.
Replace or repair.
Ionizer wires not centered.
Center wires between plates.
Excessively dirty ionizer or collector.
Deformed contact spring on cell.
Adjust spring.
Air cleaner does not clean dirt
Lock of power to cells because of improper alignment of contact
spring cells to power door.
Adjust alignment or replace spring.
Defective interlock plug or receptacle.
Air volume too great.
Reduce air volume to design CFM.
Leaks in ductwork on clean air side of air cleaner.
Dirty air not being delivered to air cleaner.
Check return-air grilles for obstruction by furniture, drapes, etc.
Uneven air distribution across face of unit. Uneven air distribu-
tion across face of unit my be indicated by uneven loading pat-
tern of dirt in collector section of air cleaning cells. The entering-
air side of collector stage should be evenly covered with dirt. In
the case of the two cell units, each cell should have an even
loading pattern.
Install turning vanes of air baffles. CAUTION: Do not block off
any of the entering-air side opening to the unit.
Radio or TV interference
Accumulation of foreign particles lodged in ionizer section
Unit improperly grounded.
Provide good ground to power pack.
Ground line of supply line voltage not properly grounded.
Loose ionizer wires.
Loosely connected components or primary-voltage wiring.
Defective power pack.
Dents in collector section or ionizer section.
Improper contact between power door and cells.
Adjust alignment of contact spring.
Weak-station/poor ground.
Add E.M.I./R.F.I. filter in power line.
Defective insulator.
White dust on furnishings
This dust can be described as "clean dirt" and is composed
mainly of lint, which because of its weight settles out of the living
space before it reaches the air returns. It is "white" because the
submicron dirt particles, which normally would color it and ren-
der it invisible, have been removed from the air space.
This problem requires no solution. It is visible evidence that the
air cleaner is cleaning up the staining and soiling dirt particles
from the living space.
Ozone odor
Initial break-in period may have a noticeable ozone odor.
See Maintenance and Routine Service section.
Air volume too low.
Increase air volume to design CFM.
Uneven air distribution across face of unit.
Ensure full opening of return-air is used. Do not block off any
part of return surface area.
Air cleaner oversized for application.
Size air cleaner per design CFM rating.
Air cleaner not shutting off during blower off cycle.
Check wiring and ensure that the air cleaner does not operate
when blower is off.