Figure 10: Example RS485 Two Wire Connections
Step 3: Initial Configuration
1. Apply power to the module.
2. If a DHCP server exists on the network, it should assign the unit an IP
address. If this address is unknown or no DHCP server exists, the Lantronix
DeviceInstaller utility must be used to 'find' and configure the unit's network
settings. Download and install the DeviceInstaller utility from
3. When the DeviceInstaller utility initially runs, it searches the network for
devices and displays the IP address when found. If this address is sufficient,
proceed to Step 4. If you wish to change the IP address, expand the tree
structure in the left pane. Select the device in the right pane. Click on the
Assign IP button in the toolbar to change the network settings.
Step 4: Web Interface
1. Once the IP address is known, simply open a web browser and enter the IP
address (i.e. in the address bar. If a username and password
have been configured, enter those when prompted. Otherwise, leave the
username and password fields blank.
2. Select Serial Settings from the menu on the left.
3. Set the Interface to the desired option. This setting should match the jumper
J3 selection that was made in Step 1.
4. Set the Baud Rate, Data Bits, Parity, & Stop Bits. These settings should
match the serial settings in the connected device(s).
5. Set the desired protocol: RTU or ASCII. For Carotron serial devices, select
6. Click OK
7. Click Apply Settings from the menu on left. Device will re-boot.
8. Additional settings may also be set via the web interface. Refer to section
4.3 Software Settings on page 7 for additional details.