Swap Holding Reg (4x) access to Input Reg (3x) after offset
Allows the above swap feature only if the request is above an offset. Example:
read of 401023 maps to 300023 if you enter 1000). Default is 0.
Swap Coil Status (0x) access to Input Status (1x) after offset
Allows the above swap feature only if the request is above an offset. Example:
read of 001023 maps to 100023 if you enter 1000). Default is 0.
Preset Automated Scan Table (optional)
This section is only utilized when the
Modbus/TCP Server attached to slave(s)
serial protocol is selected. The Preset Automated Scan Table contains optional
settings that direct the unit to automatically access Modbus registers on the
slave(s). This is useful when multiple Modbus/TCP clients are polling the same
group of “interesting” registers. The scan allows the registers to be pre-fetched
one time and then delivered without delay to multiple requesting clients. The
auto scan operation also allows the TCP connection status and the network
settings to be written to the connected slave’s registers
Unit Id
The network address of the serial Modbus device.
Register Type
Selects the type of register:
Holding Register (4x)
Input Register (3x)
Input Status (1x)
Coil Status (0x)
TCP Status (0x)
IP Config (4x)
IP + Netmask (4x)
IP + Net + Gateway (4x)
The starting offset of the Modbus register(s). Example: Input register offset of
10 yields address 3x00010.
The number of registers to be accessed. Range is 1 to 124.
The time in milliseconds between accesses. Range is 50-65000ms.
Unit ID to IP Address Mapping
This section is only utilized when the
Modbus/TCP Client attached to master
serial protocol is selected. Since serial Modbus network uses 8-bit slave
addresses and a TCP/IP network requires 32-bit IP addresses, the unit uses this
table to map an 8-bit address into an IP/Unit ID combination. The 8-bit address
is used to both select the desired IP and as the Unit ID sent. The table holds 8
entries, and any Modbus slave