© Carlo Gavazzi A/S
All LEDs will turn on for a few seconds during power ON� Depending on what is connected to the
counter module, at least the BUS LED and ON LED will be ON�
The BUS LED indicates with an amber LED that the internal bus is running� The internal bus is running
via the 6 pin interconnection (See remark on the picture below)� This LED will be ON 20 seconds after
“Power ON”
STATUS LED indicates status (red)
USB LED indicates USB in use (blue)
COM2 LED indicates com port 2 in use (amber) (From ID 17 to ID 32)
COM1 LED indicates com port 1 in use (amber) (From ID 1 to ID 16)
ON LED indicates power ON (green) This LED will be ON 20 seconds after “Power ON”
Carpark Master Channel Generator (GP32900003700)
To perform its function, the Carpark Counter Module needs two Carpark Master Channel Generators,
which are connected through the 6-pin plug on the side of the module� The Carpark Master Generator
generates the Dupline 3-wire output (D+, D- and pow) needed for communication and power for the
sensors and carpark monitors� One bus output (L1) is used to interface the carpark counter module
with the car detection sensors needed for the counting� The Carpark Master Channel Generator works
the same way as a standard Carpark Master Module GP34960005700 used in the single spot system�
The other bus (L2) is used to interface the zone count system to the displays, same way as in the sin-
gle spot system� This module works like a standard Dupline Master Module G34960005700, and this
means that it drives the entire L2 bus both in stand-alone count systems and in mixed count/single
spot systems (so, no G34960005700 needed for L2 in this case)�
Individual power supplies to the Carpark Master Channel Generators are required, as the mod-
ules have no galvanic separation to the bus output� However, the Carpark Counter Module
GP32950030700, which has galvanic separation from the power supply, can share the power supply
with one of the Master Channel Generator Modules�
Remember to make a power calculation if the L1 or L2 bus is heavily loaded� Refer to page 56 in the
Carpark installation manual�
Each Carpark Master Channel Generator has a unique SIN code printed on the side of the module�
6 pin interconnection
Fig. 8: GP32950030700