The controller should be visually inspected for the condition of the power cable and the
air tube connections, and that the seals of the plastic parts and the body between the op-
erator panel/frame and the connection port/base are in place. In addition, any surface
damage to the operating panel and the body, the hanger mounting of the controller, and
the readability of technical type plate markings should be checked.
If you notice any damaged components or surfaces, contact Carital
7.2.2 Cover
The condition of the cover must be checked as follows:
• When cleaning
• If you suspect that the cover is broken or the interior is contaminated
• When the patient changes or weekly in long-term care
Check the cover’s seams, zipper operation, condition of the surface of the cover and any
darkening or stains on the interior of the cover. Open the zipper of power cable conduit
entirely to check the condition of the cable.
If you notice any damages, contact Carital
7.2.3 Cells
The condition of cells must be inspected:
• When cleaning
• If you suspect that the cover is broken or the interior is contaminated
• When the patient changes or weekly in long-term care
Strip the cover from the cells and check the overall condition of the cells visually (stretch-
es, deterioration, thinning) and any punctured cells.
Punctured or broken upper cells can be identified visually by comparing them with other
cells: a broken cells appears visibly emptier. The simplest way to identify a broken upper
cell is to test by hand whether any of the cells feel significantly emptier compared with
each other. Note that the mattress must be inflated in order to check the condition of
upper cells.
Examples of punctured upper cells.
Leaks in the inner cells can be detected by the information signal displayed while the
controller is used (see 6.3). In the event of a leak in the inner cells, the controller will
not achieve the desired pressure values and the information signal is displayed automat-
ically. Leaks can be detected visually by looking for cell sections that appear emptier
than the rest of the inflated mattress and by feeling the inflation level of the section’s
cells by hand.