Skygate Collection
BAE Hawk Mk 66
The turbine assembly can now be installed in the fuselage as a complete unit. Feed the pipe through the
rear half of the fuselage and position so the bypass is centred on the bearers and at the rear the outer
flange piece running at 45 degrees to the tailpipe is just within the rear of the fuselage - see figure 9. You
will notice there are 4 pre drilled holes in the ply pieces fitted to the bypass in figure 4. These holes can be
used to drill through to secure the turbine assembly to the bearers. We recommend using a 90 degree drill
attachment to achieve this easily. Drill Ø3.2mm then tap to M4 and apply a drop of cyano to the thread
leaving to set before inserting screws. Fix with M4 allen head screws and washers.
The rear of the thrust tube must be supported in some way to stop it from moving up / down or left / right.
Early kits are not shipped with a fixing method but one can make up a ply piece as shown above to secure
the tube. Some support may be needed at the bottom as well.
Fuel tank
CARF Models offer an optional moulded Kevlar fuel tank of 5.2 ltr capacity, which is installed in
the fuselage on the C of G . The tank is moulded with a deeper rear trough to retain fuel towards
the end of the tank and a blister in the front forward section for the vent to go up to allowing
maximum fill capacity.
Before starting assembly of the moulded tank it is important that any manufacturing debris left
over in the tank is washed out. Washing the tank with warm water and some washing detergent
works well. Ensure the tank is completely dry before you assemble it.
The tank comes fully joined and has been tested in
the factory for leaks. The recommended hardware
is provided in the kit. Take great care when you are
assembling all parts of the fuel system . To start with
de-burr inside the brass tubing with a new sharp
scalpel blade and remove any raised edges on the
outside caused by cutting. To aid sealing and help
prevent the fuel tube coming off, solder the short
lengths of tube provided a few mm back from each
end of the feed line and on the outside of the
breather line only.
Fig. 13
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
Fig. 12