Skygate Collection
BAE Hawk Mk 66
Gravity’ is located in the recommended place. Use the nose heavy end of the CG range for your
first flights. A tail heavy plane can be an enormous danger for you and all spectators. Fix any
weights, and heavy items like batteries, very securely into the plane. Make sure that the plane
issecured properly when you start the engine. Have a helper hold your plane from the nose
before you start the engine. Make sure that all spectators are far behind, or far in front, of the
aircraft when running up the engine. Make sure that you range check your R/C system
thoroughly before the 1st flight. It is absolutely necessary to range check your complete R/C
installation first WITHOUT the engine running. Leave the transmitter antenna retracted or in the
case of 2.4ghz depress the range check button, and check the distance you can walk before ‘fail-
safe’ occurs. Then start the engine, run at about half throttle and repeat this range check. Make
sure that there is no range reduction before ‘fail-safe’ occurs. If the range with engine running is
less then with the engine off, please DON’T FLY at that time. Check that the wing and stab
retaining bolts are tight, and that all linkages are secured. Please don’t ignore our warnings, or
those provided by other manufacturers. They refer to things and processes which, if ignored,
could result in permanent damage or fatal injury.
Important/General Notes
Servo Choice
We strongly advise that you use the recommended servos and equipment listed in the manual.
Servo Screws
Fix the all the servos into the milled plywood servo mounts using the 2.9 Ø x13mm or 16mm
sheet metal screws provided in the kit, not the standard screws normally supplied with servos
by the servo manufacturer. This is because all the holes in our milled servo mounts are 2mm
diameter, due to our CNC manufacturing process, and this is too big for the normal screws
Building Sequence
The actual building sequence is your choice, but it is usually most efficient to start at the back of
the fuselage and work forwards.
Take Care
Composite sandwich parts are extremely strong, but fragile at the same time. Always keep in
mind that these contest airplanes are designed for minimum weight and maximum strength in
flight. Please take care of it, especially during transport, to make sure that none of the critical
parts and linkages are damaged. Always handle your airplane with great care, especially on the
ground and during transport, so you will have many hours of pleasure with it. To protect the
finished paint on the outside of the model from scratches and dents during building, cover your
work table with a piece of soft carpet, cloth or bubble- plastic. The best way to stop small spots
of glue getting stuck to the outside painted surfaces is to give the whole model 2 good coats of
clear car wax first, but of course you must be sure to remove this 100% properly before adding
any additional paint, markings or trim.
Adhesives and Solvents
Not all types of glues are suited to working with composite parts. Here is a selection of what