Correct and Incorrect Positioning for Light Therapy Usage
Correct Position
The light angle should be set around 15º, and legs
adjusted so that your eyes are approximately in the
center of the light. Sit 12" from the light. You can
comfortably read or have breakfast at this distance.
Incorrect Position: Sitting Too Far Away
Sitting too far (over 12") from the light effectively
decreases the dosage of the light you are receiving.
This will “work”, but will require longer sessions. The
recommended dosage is 10,000 LUX.
Incorrect Position: Sitting Too Close
The recommended light dosage is 10,000 LUX which
is achieved by sitting 12" from the Day-Light. It is
not necessary, or recommended to sit any closer to
the light or to stare directly into the light.
Incorrect Position: Head Down Too Far
Although it is fine to read while using the Day-Light,
the light must be able to reach your eyes. With the
head in this position, light cannot reach the eyes.