Adjusting Sessions
After a week of use you should be able to determine
what usage schedule is best for you. Some people find
an additional 15 to 30 minute session later in the
afternoon or early evening to be helpful, particularly if
they experience a slump in energy late in the day.
Daily Use
If you miss sessions or discontinue use of the Day-Light,
your body will return to its usual wintertime doldrums.
Benefits should reappear a few days after resuming use.
Using Day-Lights for other Conditions
Increasing evidence points to the efficacy of using bright
light therapy lamps for jet lag, shift work adjustment,
improved sleep patterns and low energy.
Using the Built-in Stand
Simply remove the legs from your Day-Light, pull out the
built-in stand and set it on any stable surface that is con-
venient. This option is best for ambient lighting.
Using Your Day-Light for Light Therapy
It is best to use your Day-Light with the legs for light
therapy. As described previously, tilt the light at a 15°
angle and adjust the legs so that your eyes are
approximately in the center of the light. This is the
position recommended by light therapy experts.
Begin with a 30 minute session early in the morning if
possible. Read, eat breakfast, talk on the phone, etc.
There is no need to look directly into the light.
NOTE: While you should face the Day-Light and have your
eyes open during your light therapy session, it is neither
necessary nor recommended to look directly into the light.
Timing and Duration of Session
For best results use your Day-Light shortly after waking,
preferably before 9 a.m. A 20-30 minute session is usually
sufficient. Begin with a 30 minute session and adjust
according to your needs – whether shorter or longer
sessions are required to alleviate your symptoms.
Symptoms of Overuse
Although there are rarely any negative side effects of
using light therapy, it is possible to use the Day-Light too
much. If you experience increased irritability, excessive
energy, and/or any discomfort consistently during or after
use, decrease the length of your sessions, or move the
light several inches further away from you.
Adjusting to Light Intensity
Some individuals prefer to get used to the brightness of
the light before their therapy session. This can be
achieved by turning the system on a short time before
sitting directly in front of it, allowing your eyes to adjust
more comfortably. You might also wish to wake up using
the Day-Light by putting it on a lighting timer. These are
available at your local electrical supply store.
NOTE: After switching THE Day-Light on, it takes about
three minutes before the light tubes reach full intensity.
Day-Light User Guide
Important Information
Consult your doctor before starting any
bright light therapy regimen.