Carel srl: pCO Stage Controller
page 10
AL 32
Probe 2 threshold of low is exceeded
Only signalling
Wiring of the probe 2 and verification
of the threshold of low
AL 33
The number of devices being selected exceed
the outputs actually available
Only signalling
Number of selected devices
AL 34
Probe 3 is not connected and does not operate
Stop of compensation Wiring of the probe 3
AL 35
Clock board is broken or not connected
Stop of the time band
Board connection
t1÷t12 - time display of the devices
These parameters indicate the number of working hours of every device. When displaying these parameters, the
identification number alternate, every two seconds, with the number of working hours of the device corresponding to the code.
When the number of working hours of a given device exceeds the working hour threshold (th), AL 1 ÷ AL 12 are activated.
Caution: when the analog outputs dedicated to the fan inverter and to the device 1/valve inverter are used (parameters t11
and t12), the displayed working hours refer to the calculation with the corresponding outputs at a value higher than 0 volt.
th - hour threshold of the devices
When the device working hours exceede this value, an alarm signal is produced, indicating that maintenance of the
concerned device is needed. If this parameter is given the value 0 the control is automatically excluded.
Caution. selection must be done in h per 1000.
n1÷n12 - manual operation of the devices
These parameters allow the manual activation of every device, i.e. without timing and rotation, and indipendently of the
values measured by the probes. The sole support of the control through manual operation is the alarm management. The
manual activation of the inverter devices makes it possible to force their analog outputs to the value of 10 volts. The manual
procedure can be activated only if the unit is Off. Therefore, all the parameters no.1÷no.12 are not enabled if the unit is On.
The flashing LED of the menu indicates that the manual procedure is active. If, after pressing the menu button, the enter
button is kept pressed for more than 2 seconds, all the manual procedure is deactivated. In any case, the manual procedure
comes automatically to an end after 30 minutes.
CL1, CL2, CL3 - calibration of the probes
These parameters allow the software calibration of the probes. The value given to these parameters is actually
added (positive value) or subtracted (negative value) to the measures detected by the respective probes. The offset
of calibration may be changed from -3 to +3 with the accuracy of the tenth. The CL3 parameter is visible only when
the relative probe (P22=1) has been selected.
Pr1 - request of immediate printing
This parameter allows a print of the unit main data such as values detected by the probes, active devices and the
most important programmed data.
Pr2 - cyclic printing time
The parameter indicates the cyclic printing time, i.e. the period between two successive periodic printings.
Ai3 - meaning of the analog input B3 (see fig. 30).
Allows the display of the value detected by the third analog input that can be have two meanings:
variable setpoint using a potentiometer (P21=1);
if the parameter P21=0 and P22=1 then the detected value represents the temperature probe of the ambient air
(necessary for controlling the setpoint compensation).
i11 - digital input ID11 (see fig. 30).
The parameter allows the display of the state of the digital input no.11. This input can represent:
the lock of the device no.11 if it has been previously selected;
the lock of the fan inverter if the device no.11 has not been selected.
C11=C12 - selection of the beginning and ending time of the reduced setpoint.
The parameter C11 allows the selection the beginning of the time bands with setpoint reduced; the parameter C12
makes it possible to select the ending time. Examples:
Time band during the day. C11=12, C12=16: the reduced setpoint is active from 12:00 a.m. to 3:59 p.m.;
Time band between two successive days. C11=14, C12=9: the reduced setpoint is active from 2:00 p.m. to 8:59
a.m. of the following day;
C11=C12: the reduced setpoint is active throughout the whole day (24 hours).
IMPORTANT: absolutely do not select the value C11=C12=0.