Cod. +030220151 - Rel. 2.1 - 04/09/98
Serial connection
All instruments can be equipped with a 'serial' card that can be fitted any time, even after the controller has
been installed. The serial output allows you to connect the controller to a supervisory and/or telamintenance
In addition, Carel has developed 'MODÌ, a special program for the trouble-free configuration of the Infrared
instruments via Personal Computer through a serial output. 'Modì’ proves to be extremely useful especially
when you need to configure several controllers.
Virtual sensor
All models equipped with two sensors (all except IR32S) may be adjusted to regulate the unit on the basis of
the weighted average temperature or the two sensors. It is also possible to choose which sensor
either the
first or the second one
will be the most important one for the determination of the final value. The value
relative to the virtual sensor will appear on the display (see parameter '/4').
Even the most sophisticated model has standard dimensions. Panel mountings usually require a 71x29mm
drilling template thus making it extremely simple and fast to replace older controllers with new Infrared
Protection index
The O-RING inside the front panel of the instrument and the material of the keypad ensure a very high
protection index (IP65). All controllers come complete with a flat gasket that contributes to increase the
protection index of the panel housing the controller.
Fastening the controller
Fastening the controller is achieved using a small clamp made of plastic. No screws are required.
The instruments of the Infrared series are the result of the most advanced SMD technology. All controllers
are built using high quality components. Quality control includes a rigorous 'TEST-IN-CIRCUIT' on each
single component to ensure that your controller is entirely reliable.
NTC sensor
The Infrared instruments have been designed to be connected to Carel NTC sensors since they give greater
precision than different sensor models. However, special versions capable of receiving the most common
types of PTC sensors are available upon request.
Watch dog
It is a special device that will protect the microprocessor of the controller even in the event of strong
electromagnetic noises. In case of abnormal conditions the watch dog restores the initial functioning status of
your unit. Only Carel controllers come complete with this exclusive safety device.
Immunity against noise
The INFRARED series complies with the EEC standards regarding the electromagnetic compatibility.
& ISO9001 Approvals
Quality and safety of the INFRARED series are assured by the ISO 9001 design and production certificate as
well as the CE labelling.