CR72 - controllo elettronico universale
CR72 - universal electronic controller
Manuale d’uso
User guide
Page 1: ...CR72 controllo elettronico universale CR72 universal electronic controller Manuale d uso User guide ...
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Page 3: ... Point 42 11 Allarmi 42 11 1Ricerca ed eliminazione dei guasti 42 12 Caratteristiche tecniche 44 13 Scheda di montaggio 46 13 1Procedura di montaggio CR72 46 14 Dimensioni mm 46 Index 1 Characteristics of CR72 series 1 1 1 How to choose the model 1 1 2 Identification of the model 1 1 3 Available models 1 1 4 Available inputs 2 2 User interface 3 2 1 Front panel 3 2 2 Specific applications 4 3 Hard...
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Page 5: ...sso 0 Sonda di temperatura tipo NTC 1 Sonda di temperatura di tipo Pt100 o Ni100 2 Sonda di temperatura tipo termocoppia K o J 3 Ingresso in corrente 0 20 mA o 4 20 mA 4 Ingresso in tensione 1 1 Vdc o 0 10 Vdc 5 Sonda di temperatura tipo Pt 1000 1 Characteristics of CR72 series The CR72 instruments are extremely versatile electronic controllers suitable for a great number of applications requiring...
Page 6: ...ting range Compatible probes Type of application NTC Carel CR7210 40 90 C Tutte le NTC Carel in ambienti in genere general CR7220 All Carel NTC PT100 CR7211 100 600 C PT100000A1 in ambienti che richiedono 2 3 fili wires CR7221 PT100000A2 un range di misura esteso where wide range of measurement is required Ni100 60 180 C in ambienti in genere general Termocoppia J K CR7212 100 800 C TKJ0000001 J i...
Page 7: ... Indicazione 10 Indica lo stato di attivazione della uscita 2 Indicazione 11 Se acceso la grandezza regolata si trova nella zona neutra configurazione n n Indicazione 12 Indica lo stato di attivazione dell uscita 1 2 User interface 2 1 Front panel Button 1 By pressing the PRG and SEL buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds it is possible to enter the procedure for the selection of the configuration p...
Page 8: ...tura l alto il basso e la sinistra per ovvie ragioni di ergonometria in quanto non si conosce l ubicazione del controllo una volta installato normalmente si scelgono come direzioni preferenziali il basso o l alto e la sinistra e destra L altra direzione privilegiata è stata la sinistra in quanto la maggioran za delle persone agiscono con la destra questa considerazione è stata fatta anche per la d...
Page 9: ...a configurazione 2 d vedere cap Configurazione dei modelli ad 1 2 uscite Modo allarme contatto d allarme generico aperto allarme On chiuso allarme Off 3 Hardware Set up 3 1 Selection of voltage input CR72 400000 models only The set standard value for the models with voltage inputs is 1 1 Vdc If the input voltage required is 0 10 Vdc it is necessary to modify the hardware configuration Remove the r...
Page 10: ... riportati i relativi codici Functions of OUT1 and OUT2 outputs in the 3 P configuration Relay outputs in this type of configuration are arranged to turn ON OFF the servo command therefore OUT1 to turn the servo command ON OUT2 to turn the servo command OFF Warning the screen if any must be connected to the Ref terminal 3 4 Connecting the probes CAREL NTC These are probes of the passive type i e t...
Page 11: ... pressione vedere tab 1 Queste sonde possono essere remotate fino ad un massimo di 100 m purché si usi cavo schermato con la sez dei singoli fili non inferiore a 0 5 mm2 la calza del cavo schermato sia collegata al morsetto REF del controllo l eventuale schermo della sonda dovrà essere connesso alla calza del cavo di prolunga i conduttori della sonda non siano alloggiati vicino a quelli di potenza...
Page 12: ...r used These probes can be located at a distance of up to 100 meters provi ded that screened cable with a cross section of not less than 0 5mm2 is used the braiding of the screened cable is connected to the terminal REF on the control unit any screening on the probe is to be connected to the braiding on the extension cable absolutely do not introduce into the same cable ducts included those of the...
Page 13: ...api toli parametri di configurazione a pag 26 e parametri operativi a pag 26 Non sono stati considerati i parametri relativi al tipo di sonda in uso pertanto fare riferimento alla sezione precedente per il collegamento delle sonde ed ai parametri C07 C14 vedere par Descrizione dei parametri di configurazione a pag 26 4 Operating method In the following pages possible configurations with this unit ...
Page 14: activates output OUT1 if the measu rement being controlled falls below the value SET1 The output remains ON until the measurement being controlled rises to the value of SET1 Typical application heating or humidifying Main parameters Supplementary Parameters only when optional CR72SER is present C01 1 CTherm pressure stat humidistat with central Set Point This type of operation is similar to the...
Page 15: ...tto esterno On chiuso il dispositivo funziona in direct es estivo attiva l uscita OUT1 quando la grandez za controllata supera il valore SET1 P01 l uscita rimane On fino a che la grandezza controllata diminuisce al valore SET1 Funzionamento reverse con il contatto esterno Off aperto il dispositivo funziona in reverse es invernale in questo modo il dispositivo attiva l uscita OUT1 quando la grandez...
Page 16: ...he output remains ON until the measu rement being controlled rises to the value of SET2 Main parameters Supplementary parameters only when optional CR72SER is present it is possible to program the unit with two duration times for SET1 and SET2 switching times using the internal timer activating the system either via a digital contact or through the keyboard For this configuration refer to configur...
Page 17: ...t Point is not exceeded In combination with the analog output or with another designated control unit with opposite control logic modes and with the same Set Point values two zones of operation can be separated e g heating and coo ling In this way it is possible to avoid consecutive intervention of two opposing actuators For example when a heating phase is finished the inertia in the system can br...
Page 18: ...of the Set Point post direct logic Reverse operation the unit activates output OUT1 when the measurement being controlled falls below the value SET1 1 2P01 OUT2 is then activated if the mea surement falls below the value of SET1 P01 The outputs remain ON until the measurement being con trolled reaches the value of SET1 1 2P01 OUT2 and SET1 OUT1 respectively The differ is placed to the left of the ...
Page 19: ...revious one C01 1 the only exception being that the differential is placed centrally around the Set Point The Set Point is therefore no longer the value determining the operation of the actuators but rather represents the mean value achieved by the control In direct mode output OUT1 is activated when the measurement being con trolled exceeds the value of SET1 OUT2 is activated in addition when the...
Page 20: ...24 a 30 e C25 a 100 si avrà una regolazione del tipo sotto rappresentato cioè a logica reverse C01 3 P Three point actuator command Programming the control With this type of configuration the unit drives a three point actuator using the relay output OUT1 for the opening command and the other OUT2 for the closing command As a function of the Set Point chosen the proportional band and the value perc...
Page 21: ...ting mode This application is for systems of the heat pump type with two actua tors e g compressors Below are described the two principal uses The control can vary the Set Point and the operating mode direct in summer reverse in winter acting via an external contact on the digital input terminals D In and Ref Direct operation the unit operates in direct summer mode if the external contact is ON cl...
Page 22: ...ntrolled lower than SET1 OUT1 is continuously de activated For values greater than SET1 P01 it is continuously activated Within the differential P01 the unit activates and de activates the output for periods set as the cycle time C30 the greater the measurement deviates from the Set Point the greater will be the time for which the output is activated and vice versa If Ta is the time for which the ...
Page 23: ...ter the serial no Ex rev 0 0 rev 1 0 For the previous versions rel 0 0 a reverse type of operation can be optai ned in order to manage actuators such us electrical resistance using output NC1 C1 instead of NO1 C1 on the terminal panel the resulting logic is post reverse C01 2 Thermostat pressure stat humidistat with two Set Points This configuration is used to control two devices which intervene s...
Page 24: above SET1 P01 External contact OFF open the unit refers to SET2 and P02 it activates OUT1 if the measurement being controlled rises above the value SET2 1 2P02 it activates OUT2 as well if the measu rement rises above the value SET2 P02 The outputs are de activa ted when the measurement returns to the values SET1 2 1 2P01 2 OUT2 and to SET1 2 OUT1 Parametro Descrizione Valore di default Valor...
Page 25: ... SET1 2 OUT1 The differentials P01 and P02 cover both outputs and are automati cally divided into two equal areas With rotation set up see parameter C04 the order of activation and de activation between the two outputs can be reversed Main parameters Supplementary parameters only when optional CR72SER is present Note for the configuration with cyclical operation see note par 5 1 ON OUT1 OFF ON SET...
Page 26: ... logical mode coo ling de humidifying etc when the measurement exceeds SET1 It is possible to separate the fields of action of the two outputs around the Set Point by using the neutral zone differential P03 which in effect defines a non intervention zone each side of SET1 Main parameters Supplementary parameters only when optional CR72SER is present D ON OUT2 R P01 ON OUT1 SET1 Zona di non interve...
Page 27: ... di tre parametri fondamentali P07 C22 e C23 6 How to connect the Analog Serial output optional This card allows youu to manage analog output signal A OUT and Ref are the connection terminals in the instrument The card also allows the serial connection with 6 way telephone cables The output allows con nection up to 16 CR72 located some hundred metres from Carel ISA 72 fig 32 With this card as anex...
Page 28: ... assoluti utilizzabili I valori considerati sono valori assoluti P07 fixes the absolute value of the proportional band to be used this value is positioned before and after SET1 C22 fixes within the differential P07 the point where the analog signal is at minimum value C23 analogously to C22 fixes the point within the differential P07 where the analog signal is at maximum value C22 and C23 are expr...
Page 29: ...3 and refers to SET1 when the external contact is open the operating logic refers to SET2 and is the mirror image of what was chosen with parameters C22 and C23 in effect C22 and C23 automatically change their signs b Function C01 2 d In this case the state of the input determines whether reference is to SET1 or SET2 when the external contact is closed the operating logic refers to SET1 when the e...
Page 30: ...gurazione A C00 B range 0 999 C Cod Default 888 C01 Modalità di funzionamento Selezione dell algoritmo di funzionamento Gli algoritmi disponibili sono descritti nei cap Configurazione dei modelli ad 1 uscita a 2 uscite A C01 B range 7 Configuration parameters This chapter and the following one are meant to those who wish to widen their knowledge on CR72 so as to optimize and personalize the contro...
Page 31: ...wo outputs C o1 Default d C03 Output 2 operating mode Selects the OUT2 functioning mode fig 37 It is not enabled in configurations H P 3P 1 2d P A 1 A it is enabled only in configuration 2 A C03 B range d Direct fixed for n n with two outputs r Reverse C o2 Default d C04 Rotation set up Enables the two steps rotation in configurations 1 H P 1 C 2 d Rotation will equalize over time the number of in...
Page 32: ...massima tensione ammissibile 1V o 10V A C12 B range C11 1999 C HI Default 100 0 C06 Number of decimal points Selects the number of decimal points in the controlled measurement to be displayed In temperature probes it depends on the type of probe which is being used NTC Ni100 1 fixed decimal point Pt100 Pt1000 0 or 1 selectable decimal points Thermocouple K J No decimal point A C06 B indicates the ...
Page 33: ... o output ON on N O contact n c output ON on N C contact C o2 Default n o 29 C13 Tipo di termoresistenza PT100 Ni100 Imposta il tipo di termoresistenza installata A C13 B range Pt Termoresistenza Pt100 Ni Termoresistenza Ni100 C tH Default Pt C14 Selezione del tipo di termocoppia TcJ TcK Imposta il tipo di termocoppia installata A C14 B range H Termocoppia tipo K J Termocoppia tipo J C tc Default ...
Page 34: ...digitale è utilizzato come allarme ne imposta il funzionamento C20 Running time in three point valves Time s required by the three point valve to pass from a fully open position to fully closed in 3P configuration see par 6 4 A C20 B range 15 600 s C vrt Default 150 C21 Type of Control Selects the type of control to be used A C21 B range P proportional PI proportional integral PId proportional int...
Page 35: ...which remains permanent A C26 B range 0 nessuna azione disabilitato 1 uscita 1 Off con D In aperto 2 uscita 2 Off con D In aperto 3 uscite 1 e 2 ed analogica Off con D In aperto C AL Default 0 Attenzione Se si impostano azioni contrastanti con i parametri di sicu rezza sonda impostati in C16 C18 C27 in caso di presenza con temporanea di entrambi gli allarmi il controllore agisce secondo i para met...
Page 36: ... corresponding to the minimum acceptable current C12 Valore corrispondente alla massima corrente ammissibile 100 0 Value corresponding to the maximum acceptable current C13 Tipo di termoresistenza Pt Type of thermoresistance C14 Selezione del tipo di termocoppia K Type of thermocouple C15 Set visualizzato ON set 1 Visualized set point C16 Sicurezza sonda uscita 1 OFF Probe safety on output 1 C17 C...
Page 37: ... valore e in C la corrispondente sigla di identificazione per esempio LOA nel caso del limite inferiore d allarme P00 Livello di contrasto del display LCD Imposta il valore del contrasto del display LCD A P00 B range 0 7 C LCD Default 6 8 Operating parameters 8 1 Configuration procedure 1 Start up press SEL for at least 5 seconds On the display the following messages appear P00 in the A position t...
Page 38: ...ze of the differential of the dead zone as an absolute value In the two step configuration the dead zone is central to the Set Point the two differentials are defined in the P01 and P02 parameters in the one step configuration the dead zone is lateral to the Set Point the step s differential is selected through the P01 parameter A P03 B range 0 800 C dn Default 4 40 on the thermocouple models P04 ...
Page 39: regolata supera il massimo impostato scat ta l allarme corrispondente cap 12 Il suo valore dipende dal decimale selezionato P08 Minimum time interval between two energizations of output 1 Minimum time s between two energizations of output 1 fig 39 A P08 B range 0 900s C O1i Default 0 P09 Minimum time interval between two energizations of output 2 Minimum time s between two energizations of outp...
Page 40: ... sarà invece T2 1 P19 x set1 set2 Grandezza regolata nella configurazione 2 d A P15 B range 0 999 C HIA Default 10 100 on the thermocouple models Selection of lower and higher alarm limits In configurations having two indepen dent Set Points C01 2 the lower limit refers to the lower Set Point the higher limit to the higher Set Point P16 Stay time of Set Point1 in the 2d configuration Stay time min...
Page 41: ...imo di On dell uscita 1 Tempo s minimo di permanenza nello stato On per l uscita 1 fig 42 A P25 B range 0 900 s C O1a Default 0 P26 Tempo minimo di On dell uscita 2 Tempo s minimo di permanenza nello stato On per l uscita 2 fig 42 A P26 B range 0 900 s C O2a Default 0 When just one ramp is selected rising fall since Set Point 2 becomes a permanent value it is necessary to choose that Set Point as ...
Page 42: ...P09 Tempo minimo tra due attivazioni dell uscita 2 Min time interval between two energizations of output 2 0 P10 Tempo minimo di OFF di OUT1 Minimum OFF time of output OUT1 0 P11 Tempo minimo di OFF di OUT2 Minimum OFF time of output OUT2 0 P12 Limite inferiore per i set point Set Points lower limit 1000 P13 Limite superiore per i set point Set Points higher limit 1000 P14 Limite inferiore d allar...
Page 43: ...e lo stru mento agirà per ridurre l errore che si sta accumulando e quindi si presume che la grandezza da controllare vari di conseguenza in modo continuo 9 The PID regulation algorithm 9 1 Introduction Because of the vastness and complexity of applications that can be managed by this unit it is essential at times to use a more sophistica ted regulation Very often the system balance point is desir...
Page 44: ... ad esempio le valvole a tre punti Vediamo ora con un esempio grafico di rendere più chiaro il concetto appena esposto 9 3 P I D Regulation This type of regulation is selected by setting C21 PID The other para meters involved are P06 sets the derivative action time As the selected value increases the derivative action increases P20 and P21 represent the minimum and maximum threshold respectively e...
Page 45: P23 and P24 If however we increase the values of parameters P23 and P24 while maintaining the value of P06 constant we note the curve area described below is also constant Now based on the same assumptions as before we can theorise the addition of the proportional action thus P D while still maintaining the integral action null Warning very often instead of improving the stability of the system...
Page 46: ...ion of Set Points 10 1 How to select the Set Points To select the Set Points see the following instructions 1 Press SEL for at least 1 second The indication at position B will flash 2 Select the required value through the and buttons 3 Confirm the value by pressing SEL Selection automatically shifts to Set Point 2 if configured 4 Press SEL again to exit the procedure The procedure exits automati c...
Page 47: ... evolve in EEE Nel caso in cui si siano modificati più parametri si consiglia di attivare la procedura di RESET descritta nel paragrafo 8 2 ALA Allarme Generico Attivato quando si verifica l apertura dell ingresso digitale Outputs status The outputs can be either in the ON or OFF status depending on the configured safety parameters chapter 4 Possible Interventions Check the connections between con...
Page 48: ...s 250Vac 8A uscita analogica opzionale multistandard in corrente 0 20 mA in corrente 4 20 mA in tensione 0 1 Vdc in tensione 0 10 Vdc la scelta è eseguita tramite 8 dip switch It can occur exclusively in the models where the digital input works as an alarm contact Outputs status Depends on the selected configuration ch 4 Possible Interventions Check the control device connections If the contact at...
Page 49: ...ento ambientale Normale Categoria di resistenza al calore e al fuoco Categoria D Immunità contro le sovratensioni Categoria 1 Classe e struttura del software Dispositivo di comando con software di classe A Inputs one potential free digital input one analog input depending on the model CR72 0 NTC Carel CR72 1 thermoheaters PT100 NI100 CR72 2 thermocouple K J CR72 3 current 0 20mA or 4 20mA CR72 4 v...
Page 50: ...3 Mounting diagram 13 1 CR72 mounting procedure 1 Insert the rectangular protection packing 2 up to the edge of CR72 1 and place the instrum in the 68x68mm suitable hole 2 Mount the clamping plate 3 and place it on the inner edge of the panel 3 Insert the square 4 inside the suitable holes on the instrument and the unghie 5 between the squares and the inner edge of the CR72 4 Once the screws 6 hav...
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Page 52: ...Fax 39 049 9716600 http www carel com e mail carel carel com CAREL FRANCE Sarl 19 Place des Pavillons 69007 Lyon France Tel 33 04 72 71 61 10 Fax 33 04 78 58 44 38 BARBEY CAREL Regeltechnik GmbH Frankfurter Str 5 63699 Kefenrod Germany Tel 49 06054 91140 Fax 49 06054 911417 http www carel de e mail barbey carel t online de ...