Error Messages
Error Message
Corrective Action
While loading a new
medication or a refill of a
medication, you load the
wrong pod into the pod tray.
Oops. Please remove the pod
from the tray.
Sorry, the pod is invalid, could not
be read, or has been
Remove the incorrect pod, tap
I’ve removed the pod, and load
the correct pod.
While taking a medication,
you remove a pod when you
were not prompted to do so.
Oops. Something went wrong.
Make sure the X is loaded.
(Where X is the medication name.)
Place the pod back into the
pod tray, and then tap I’ve
put in the right pod.
While taking a medication,
you are prompted to take
more medications.
Please take X more tablets.
(Where X is the number of
additional medications the
device prompts you to take
from the pod).
If you wish to purposely take
less than the prescribed dosage,
tap Skip this Medication.
If you removed the correct
number of medications from
the pod, tap I took the correct
amount, and then contact
Cardinal Health Technical
While taking a medication,
you are prompted to
place medications back
into the pod.
It seems too many pills have been
removed. Please put X tablets
(Where X is the number of
medications the device prompts
you to return to the pod).
This message is accompanied by an
audible alarm.
If you lost a medication or if a
medication is damaged, tap
A pill was lost/damaged.
If you removed the correct
number of medications from
the pod, tap I took the correct
amount, and then contact
Cardinal Health Technical
While refilling or
discontinuing a medication,
you did not remove the pod
when prompted but you did
tap I’ve removed the pod.
Please remove the pod from
the tray.
Remove the pod from
the tray, and then tap
I’ve removed the pod.