Take Medication
Before you set up the InPower™ Personal Medication Assistant and whenever you are prescribed a new
medication, you and your pharmacist schedule your preferred times to take your medication. When it is
the preferred time to take a medication, the Medication Reminder icon displays on the exterior screen.
Also, depending upon what alerts you set up with your pharmacist, alarm lights at the bottom of the
device may flash and/or an audible alert may sound. If while you are taking your medication the tray
remains open for more than five minutes, an audible alert sounds until you perform an action with the
device or dose window closes.
1. When it is at or near the preferred time to take
your medication, take the appropriate action:
• If it is within one hour prior of the scheduled
time and you wish to take your medication
early, open the door. Then, input your PIN
if necessary, and tap Take Early from the
• If it is time to take your medication and you
are viewing the Home Screen, tap
• If it is time to take your medication and you
are viewing the Initial Dispense Screen,
Tap to Begin or tap Remind me in
minutes to reset the popup message.
• If it is more than one hour past the
scheduled time, refer to the Access
Medication Off Schedule procedure in
this section to take your medication.
When your alarm(s) flash and/or sound, the Initial
Dispense Screen displays. It contains a list of
medications you need to take now, along with
any special instructions for taking each medication.
2. Tap Tap to Begin.
The appropriate pod tray opens. The screen for the first medication displays. It contains the dosage and
name of the medication. It might contain the purpose of the medication and special instructions for taking
the medication.
Initial Dispense Screen