This section describes the
Personal Medication Assistant cleaning requirements.
• Clean the screen with a microfiber cloth.
• Dampen the cloth with water, if necessary.
• Do not spray anything directly onto the screen.
• Limit force against the screen and support the door with your hand.
Plastic Parts
• Clean plastic with a dry cloth. This includes the outside of the device, front of the medication trays,
and inside the door.
• Dampen the cloth with water, if necessary.
• If you need to remove grease from the device and water doesn’t work, dampen the cloth with a mild
detergent, such as dishwashing liquid. Or, use one of the following appropriate solutions: Pine Sol,
Lysol, Formula 409, Simple Green All Purpose Cleaner, and Green Works All Purpose Cleaner.
CAUTION: Do not apply or spray anything directly onto the device because the mist can
Pod Trays
It is not recommended to clean the internal components of the device. If you need to clean the inside
of a pod tray, power off the device, and then gently clean the tray with a cotton cloth.
• Do not use a paper cloth because it might leave residue behind. This can affect the sensitive
scales contained in the pod trays.
• Be very gentle and do not apply force to the tray. By doing so, you might damage the
sensitive scale located at the bottom of the tray.