Grand Soleil 40
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Auto pilot
The following instructions do not replace the information provided in the enclosed
Manufacturer Manual.
This is an equipment which once fixed the course, enables automatic steering of the boat.
The Grand Soleil 40 has been designed to install a mechanical auto pilot with a connecting
rod directly linked to the stainless steel pole of the tiller .
The switch activating the auto pilot electrical supply is featured under AUTOPILOT
heading in the 12Vdc
(see page 45).
The control buttons that operate the auto pilot are on autopilot control panel.
Warning and caution
Remember that when the auto pilot is working, the steering wheel is also concerned in its
Be very careful not to get your hands, arms or feet accidentally caught in the steering wheel
action areas.
Same attention must be taken for objects which could hamper the steering wheel movements
like halyards, sheet etc.
Do not force the steering wheel when the auto pilot is functioning.
The auto pilot arm, which operates directly on the tiller pole, can be easily removed by
taking out the appropriate pivot from the connecting rod’s .
The auto pilot helps out the crew but does not replace them: it is advisable for at least
one member of the crew, to stay always on the lookout, on the deck to step in swiftly
any time and especially to avoid running afoul of other crafts.
Instructions and maintenance
Please refer to the attached manual.
We recommend to consult the manufacturer’s manual of use and maintenance.