2000 2000 2000 2000
CANON SmartBase PC1210D/1230D/1270D REV. 1 MAR. 2002
x i
Original Speed
Adjustment ................... 7-13
Position Adjustment ..... 7-14
Position Adjustment ..... 7-15
When Replacing a Component 7-16
When Replacing the Image
Processor PCB ................... 7-16
Work ............................. 7-16
Work ............................. 7-17
When Replacing the
NCU PCB .......................... 7-17
2. Troubleshooting ................................ 7-18
Making Initial Checks .............. 7-18
Site Environment ............... 7-18
Checking the Cartridge ...... 7-18
Checking the Paper ............ 7-18
Others ................................ 7-18
Troubleshooting Flow Chart .... 7-19
Making Checks in Response
to an Image Fault ...................... 7-20
Checking the Originals Against
the Symptom ...................... 7-20
Copyboard Glass and White
Sheet .................................. 7-20
3 Troubleshooting Image Faults .......... 7-21
Troubleshooting Procedure for
Image Faults ............................. 7-21
The output is too light. ...... 7-22
The output is too dark. ....... 7-24
vertically. ........................... 7-25
The output has fuzzy, black
vertical lines. ...................... 7-25
The output is foggy
horizontally. ....................... 7-26
horizontal lines. ................. 7-26
(vertical). ............................ 7-27
The output has black lines
(horizontal). ....................... 7-27
(vertical). ............................ 7-27
3.1.10 The output has white lines
(vertical). ............................ 7-27
3.1.11 The output has white spots
(horizontal). ....................... 7-28
3.1.12 The output has white lines
(horizontal). ....................... 7-28
3.1.13 The output is soiled. .......... 7-29
3.1.14 The back of the output is
soiled. ................................. 7-30
3.1.15 The output has a fixing
fault. ................................... 7-31
3.1.16 The output has left/right
displacement. ..................... 7-32
3.1.17 The output has a blurry
image. ................................ 7-32
3.1.18 The output has poor sharpness
(out of focus). .................... 7-33
3.1.19 The output is blank. ........... 7-34
3.1.20 The output is solid black. .. 7-36
4 Troubleshooting Malfunctions ......... 7-37
Troubleshooting Malfunctions
(service error) ........................... 7-37
Troubleshooting Malfunctions
(other than service error) ......... 7-41
Power is absent. ................. 7-41
The LCD fails to operate. .. 7-41
move. ................................. 7-42
to go ON. ........................... 7-42
The speaker fails to generate
sound. ................................ 7-43
The message “INSTALL
CARTRIDGE” fails to go
OFF. ................................... 7-43
The message “SUPPLY REC.
PAPER” fails to go OFF.
(cassette) ............................ 7-44