Cut out the parts and crease them along the fold lines indicated.
Roof (vertical bars)
Roof (horizontal bars)
Horizontal bars
Vertical bars
Support A
Supports B
Supports C
Support D
Support E
Held in bird’s beak
Horizontal bars (door)
Doors(horizontal bars)
Doors(vertical bars)
Pop-up Card (Birdcage) : Assembly Instructions
Canon is a registered trademark of Canon Inc.
Caution:Glue, scissors, and other tools may be dangerous to young
children so be sure to keep them out of the reach of young children.
Valley fold
(dashed and dotted line)
*Make a valley fold.
Scissors line
(solid line)
*Cut along the line.
Cut in line
(solid line)
*Make a cut.
Black triangle
Glue here
Mountain fold
(dotted line)
*Make a mountain fold.
Assembly Instructions
scissors, paste, a used ballpoint pen
(tracing along the fold lines
makes them easier to fold)
You will need
You will need
White triangle
Glue the back