CANON MPC-5500/QSG, Page 13 - File: 55-QSP13.eps
W. Swanlund UPDATE> August 13 '98
Close the
printer cover.
Press the
button on the
operator panel.
The cartridge holder then moves to the home position on the right side of
the unit. The LCD displays:
The MultiPASS C5500 cleans the print head and then displays the date and mode.
The printer is now in Standby mode.
Unplug the MultiPASS C5500 ONLY when it is in Standby mode (the date and
Receive mode show in the display). Make sure the cartridge holder is in the
home position on the right. If you unplug the unit while it is printing, or move
the BJ cartridge from the home position, the cartridge will not be capped
and may dry out.