Select PREMIUM Contents Images or Local Images for View.
View does not appear depending on the selected content.
Select the folder that contains the image you want to print from the Folder Tree area.
The images in the folder will be displayed as thumbnails (miniatures).
The Folder Tree area is displayed only when Local Images are available.
You can also use still images captured from videos, depending on the selected content.
Creating and Printing Still Images from Videos
You can also use images downloaded from photo sharing sites on the Internet, depending on
the selected content.
Downloading Images from Photo Sharing Sites
Select the image(s) you want to print and click
(Import to Inside Pages).
The selected image(s) is (are) displayed in the selected image area.
You can also select the image(s) you want to print by dragging it (them) into the selected image
To delete an image in the selected image area, select the image you want to delete and click
(Delete Imported Image).
To delete all images from the selected image area, click
(Delete All Imported
Click Edit in the step button area on the left side of the screen.
The Edit screen appears.
The Edit screen does not appear depending on the selected content. In that case, skip ahead
Page 46 of 731 pages
Printing Premium Content
This manual downloaded from http://www.manualowl.com