Canon LBP722Cdw Important Safety Instructions Manual Download Page 1

Important Safety Instructions

This chapter provides important safety instructions for 
the prevention of injury to users of this machine and 
others, and damage to property. Read this chapter 
before using the machine and follow the instructions to 
ensure that you use the machine properly. The Canon 
online manual site ( also 
provides information on this machine. Read this 
information also to ensure correct use. 
Do not perform any operations not described in this 
manual. Canon will not be responsible for any damages 
resulting from operations not described in this manual, 
improper use, or repairs or modifications not performed 
by Canon or a third party authorized by Canon.


Indicates a warning concerning operations that 
may lead to death or serious personal injury if not 
performed correctly. To ensure that you use the 
machine safely, always observe these warnings.


Indicates a precaution for preventing the risk of 
personal injury or property damage other than 
a product fault due to improper use of the 
machine. To ensure that you use the machine 
safely, always observe these cautions. 


Indicates important operational requirements 
and restrictions that should always be observed 
when using this machine. Always observe these 
important items to avoid malfunctions, faults or 
property damage due to improper machine 

Safety-related Symbols

The following symbols are used on this product:

Power switch (On)

Power switch (Off )

Power switch (Stand-by)

Push-button switch (On



Protective earthing terminal

Electric shock warning: Hazardous voltage inside. 
Do not remove the cover.

High temperature warning. Do not touch.

Class II equipment

Contains moving parts. Keep hands and other 
body parts away from moving parts.
Electric shock warning: Unplug all power cords 
from the power outlet.
Sharp edges. Keep hands and other body parts 
away from sharp edges.


Some models may use other symbols not listed here.


To ensure that you use this machine safely, read the 
following precautions carefully before installing the 
machine in a suitable location.


Do not install in the locations listed below

Doing so may result in a fire or electric shock.

•  Locations that risk blocking the ventilation slots (too 

close to walls or curtains or on materials such as 
deep-pile carpets)

•  Damp or dusty locations
•  Near heating appliances or open flames
•  Near alcohol, paint thinners or other flammable 


Do not use a wireless LAN close to medical 
equipment (only for products with a wireless LAN 

Radio waves can interfere with medical equipment and 
cause malfunctions that may lead to accidents.


Do not install in the locations listed below

Doing so could result in a fault or adversely affect people 
or other equipment.

•  Outdoors or in locations exposed to direct sunlight
•  Locations subject to temperature and humidity 

extremes, whether low or high

•  Locations subject to dramatic changes in 

temperature or humidity

•  Near equipment that generates magnetic or 

electromagnetic waves

•  Near electronic devices or precision equipment, such 

as TVs, radios and computers

•  Laboratories or other locations where chemical 

reactions occur

•  Locations heavily exposed to aerosol sprays, 

ammonia or other corrosive gases

•  Locations subject to instability or vibration
•  Surfaces that may warp under the weight of the 

machine or into which the machine is liable to sink 
(carpets, straw matting, beds, etc.)

•  Locations where air ventilated from the machine 

directly impacts people

Use the correct method when moving this machine

Using incorrect methods to move this machine may 
result in injury. 

•  Carry this machine correctly according to the 

instructions in the manual.

•  Position this machine slowly and carefully to avoid 

getting your hands caught between the machine 
and the floor or walls.

Provide adequate ventilation during use

This machine generates small amounts of ozone and 
other emissions during normal use. These amounts are 
too low to be harmful to humans. However, poorly 
ventilated rooms should be adequately ventilated 
during extended use or long print runs.


When using a wireless LAN (only for products with a 
wireless LAN function)

•  Install the machine no more than 50 meters from the 

wireless LAN router. 

•  As much as possible, install in a location where 

communication is not blocked by intervening 
objects. The signal may be degraded when passing 
through walls or floors. 

•  Install the machine as far as possible from digital 

cordless phones, microwave ovens or other 
equipment that emits radio waves.

Power Supply


Using the power plug and cord correctly

Improper use may result in a fire or electric shock. 

•  Check that the power supply used for the machine is 

safe and has a stable voltage.

•  Use only a power supply that meets the specified 

voltage requirements.

•  Connect the machine to a securely grounded power 

outlet using the power cord provided.

•  Do not use power cords other than the cord provided.
•  The power cord provided should only be used with 

this machine.

•  If you plug this machine into a power outlet with 

multiple sockets, do not use the remaining sockets 
to connect other devices.

•  Do not use extension cords.
•  Run the power cord so as to avoid any risk of tripping 

over the cord.

•  Do not modify, pull, unduly bend or otherwise 

damage the power cord.

•  Do not place heavy objects on the power cord.
•  Do not bundle the power cord or tie it in a knot.
•  Do not run the power cord close to a heating 


•  Do not plug in and unplug the power connector 


•  Do not subject the power connector to strong 


•  Plug the power plug fully into the power outlet, 

ensuring that it is securely inserted.

•  Do not touch the machine during a thunderstorm.
•  Do not plug in or unplug the power plug with wet 


•  During holidays or other times when the machine 

will not be used for long periods, turn the machine 
off and unplug it from the power supply.


•  Install this machine near the power outlet and leave 

sufficient space around the power plug so that it can 
be quickly unplugged in an emergency. 

•  Always ensure that the power plug is unplugged 

from the power outlet before starting work. 

•  Do not connect the power cord to an uninterruptible 
































Summary of Contents for LBP722Cdw

Page 1: ...r electronic devices or precision equipment such as TVs radios and computers Laboratories or other locations where chemical reactions occur Locations heavily exposed to aerosol sprays ammonia or other...

Page 2: the paper or clearing paper jams Do not subject the machine to strong impacts or shaking Do not use undue force when opening and closing doors covers or drawers etc on the machine Do not turn this...

Page 3: ...endere o de Internet http www canon europe com ce documentation Especifica es de LAN Sem Fios Banda s de frequ ncias 2412 2472 MHz Pot ncia m xima de radiofrequ ncia 14 08 dBm Slovene SL Canon Inc po...

Page 4: ...being scattered Dispose of removed sealing tape safely in accordance with your local waste disposal regulations About This Manual Trademarks QR Code is a trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED All brand...

Page 5: ...pour les produits dot s d une fonction de r seau local sans fil Les ondes radio peuvent interf rer avec les quipements m dicaux et provoquer des dysfonctionnements pouvant entra ner des accidents ATTE...

Page 6: ...on de la prise secteur puis d branchez le cordon d alimentation et les c bles d interface de l appareil Nettoyage et entretien de l appareil Un nettoyage incorrect peut entra ner des dysfonctionnement...

Page 7: ...identification Timbres fiscaux annul s ou non annul s Documents de service militaire ou de service s lectif Certificats d obligation ou de dette Ch ques mis par des agences gouvernementales Certifica...

Page 8: ...ers sans le consentement crit pr alable des titulaires des droits du LOGICIEL 5 Par d rogation ce qui figure ci dessus vous pouvez transf rer le LOGICIEL uniquement quand a vous affectez tous vos droi...

Page 9: ...hren k nnen VORSICHT Nicht an den unten aufgef hrten Orten installieren Andernfalls k nnte es zu einer St rung kommen oder Menschen oder andere Ger te nachteilig beeinflussen Im Freien oder an Orten...

Page 10: ...r ab und wischen Sie das Ger t mit einem trockenen Tuch ab um Staub und Schmutz zu entfernen Reinigen Sie das Ger t mit einem mit Wasser angefeuchteten und dann gr ndlich ausgewrungenen Tuch Verwenden...

Page 11: Verbindung setzen Papiergeld Reiseschecks Zahlungsanweisungen Lebensmittelmarken Einlagenzertifikate P sse Briefmarken entwertet oder nicht entwertet Einwanderungspapiere Identifizierungsabzeichen...

Page 12: ...chteinhaber der SOFTWARE an Sie bertragen oder gew hrt 3 Sie d rfen die SOFTWARE ausschlie lich mit dem PRODUKT verwenden 4 Sie d rfen die SOFTWARE nicht an Dritte ohne vorherige schriftliche Einverst...

Page 13: ...mperature e umidit estreme sia alte che basse Luoghi soggetti a sensibili cambiamenti di temperatura o umidit Vicino ad apparecchiature che generano onde magnetiche o elettromagnetiche Vicino a dispos...

Page 14: ...o salviette di carta Controllare regolarmente la macchina per rilevare surriscaldamento ruggine ammaccature graffi e crepe Portatori di pacemaker cardiaci Questa macchina e le sue cartucce di toner em...

Page 15: ...are via con cura le particelle di toner o pulirle con un panno umido in modo da evitare l inalazione Non utilizzare un normale aspirapolvere per pulire il toner versato Devono essere utilizzati solo m...

Page 16: ...6 Non consentito decompilare decodificare disassemblare o in altro modo semplificare il codice del SOFTWARE in un formato umanamente leggibile 7 Non possibile modificare adattare tradurre affittare no...

Page 17: ...otras personas u otros equipos Al aire libre o en lugares expuestos a la luz solar directa Lugares sometidos a niveles extremos muy altos o muy bajos de temperatura y humedad Lugares sujetos a cambio...

Page 18: ...i ninguna otra sustancia inflamable No utilice tampoco pa uelos ni toallitas de papel Revise el equipo peri dicamente para comprobar si hay xido abolladuras ara azos grietas o calor excesivo Si utiliz...

Page 19: ...los dep sitos de t ner residual los cartuchos de t ner o el papel en lugares que est n expuestos a llamas Si el t ner se derramara o dispersara accidentalmente limpie cuidadosamente las part culas de...

Page 20: ...ciones 6 No podr descompilar invertir la ingenier a desensamblar o reducir de cualquier otro modo el c digo del SOFTWARE a una forma legible por el ser humano 7 No podr modificar adaptar traducir alqu...

Page 21: si s n baixes Llocs sotmesos a canvis dr stics de la temperatura o la humitat Prop d equips que generin ones magn tiques o electromagn tiques Prop de dispositius electr nics o equips de precisi c...

Page 22: ...alia allunyeu vos de l equip i consulteu el vostre metge PRECAUCI No intenteu traslladar l equip amb els calaixos de paper o altres productes opcionals alimentador de paper pedestal de casset instal l...

Page 23: ...s consumibles aneu amb compte que no us caigui t ner les mans o la roba Si us cau t ner a la roba o a les mans renteu immediatament la zona afectada amb aigua freda Si feu servir aigua calenta per ren...

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Page 29: ...ou outros equipamentos Ao ar livre ou em locais expostos luz solar direta Locais sujeitos a temperaturas e humidade extremas Locais sujeitos a mudan as dr sticas de temperatura ou humidade Perto de e...

Page 30: ...enzeno diluentes ou outras subst ncias inflam veis e n o utilize len os ou toalhetes Verifique regularmente se a m quina apresenta sobreaquecimento ferrugem amolgadelas arranh es e fissuras Utilizador...

Page 31: ...s ao manusear consum veis O manuseamento incorreto pode provocar queimaduras ou um inc ndio N o atire recipientes de res duos de toner ou cartuchos de toner para uma chama viva N o armazene recipiente...

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Page 33: ...Canon https oip manual canon Canon Canon Canon 50 33 En Fr De It Es Ca Eu Pt El Da Nl No Sv Fi Ru Uk Lv Lt Et Pl Cs Sk Sl Hr Hu Ro Bg Tr Ar Fa...

Page 34: ...5 Canon USB 34 En Fr De It Es Ca Eu Pt El Da Nl No Sv Fi Ru Uk Lv Lt Et Pl Cs Sk Sl Hr Hu Ro Bg Tr Ar Fa...

Page 35: ...TML Canon https oip manual canon Greek EL Canon Inc 2014 53 http www canon europe com ce documentation LAN WLAN 2412 2472 MHz 14 08 dBm 1 IEC60825 1 2014 EN60825 1 2014 CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT LASER KLA...

Page 36: ...INC CANON INC PDF Adobe Acrobat Reader Adobe Systems https get adobe com reader Canon 1 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 9 https oip manual canon V_200901 36 En Fr De It Es Ca Eu Pt El Da Nl No Sv Fi Ru Uk Lv L...

Page 37: ...amatiske ndringer i temperatur eller fugtighed Nyt udstyr der genererer magnetiske eller elektromagnetiske b lger I n rheden af elektroniske enheder eller pr cisionsudstyr som f eks fjernsyn radioer o...

Page 38: ...estal installeret Du kan risikere at tabe dele hvilket kan medf re personskade Bem rk f lgende Hvis du ikke g r det kan det medf re personskade fejl eller fastklemning af papir Anbring ikke tunge gens...

Page 39: ...Hvis du f r toner p dit t j eller h nder skal du jeblikkeligt vaske de ber rte omr der med koldt vand Hvis du vasker med varmt vand kan det f toneren til at s tte sig fast og medf re permanente plett...

Page 40: ...varende platformsversion Denne vejledning er tilg ngelig p https oip manual canon Ved at bruge PRODUKTET anses du for at have accepteret alle g ldende licensbetingelser Hvis du ikke accepterer disse l...

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Page 42: ...of papieren handdoeken Controleer het apparaat regelmatig op overmatige warmteontwikkeling roest deuken scheuren of krassen Gebruikers met een hartritmestimulator pacemaker Dit apparaat en de bijbehor...

Page 43: wanneer u werkt met verbruiksartikelen Onjuiste verwerking kan leiden tot brandwonden of brand Gooi geen tonerafvalhouders of tonercartridges in open vuur Bewaar geen tonerafvalhouders tonercartrid...

Page 44: ...Niettegenstaande het bovenstaande mag u de SOFTWARE alleen overdragen wanneer a u al uw rechten op het PRODUCT en alle rechten en verplichtingen onder de licentievoorwaarden aan de begunstigde overdra...

Page 45: ...utstyr som genererer magnetiske eller elektromagnetiske b lger N r elektroniske apparater eller presisjonsutstyr som TV radio eller datamaskiner Laboratorier eller andre steder der kjemiske reaksjoner...

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Page 47: ...ber rte omr det umiddelbart med kaldt vann Hvis du vasker med varmt vann kan dette fiksere toneren og f re til permanente flekker N r du trekker forseglingstapen av en ny tonerkassett m du trekke hele...

Page 48: ...varende plattform versjon Denne h ndboken er tilgjengelig p https oip manual canon Ved bruke PRODUKTET regnes det som at du godtar alle gjeldende lisensbetingelser Hvis du ikke godtar disse lisensbeti...

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Page 55: ...Canon https oip manual canon Canon Canon Canon sd II 50 55 En Fr De It Es Ca Eu Pt El Da Nl No Sv Fi Ru Uk Lv Lt Et Pl Cs Sk Sl Hr Hu Ro Bg Tr Ar Fa...

Page 56: ...5 Canon USB 56 En Fr De It Es Ca Eu Pt El Da Nl No Sv Fi Ru Uk Lv Lt Et Pl Cs Sk Sl Hr Hu Ro Bg Tr Ar Fa...

Page 57: ...ive 2014 53 EU The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address http www canon europe com ce documentation Wireless LAN Specifications Frequency band s...

Page 58: ...N INC PDF Adobe Acrobat Reader Adobe Systems https get adobe com reader Copyright Canon 1 9 1 2 3 Canon 4 5 a 6 7 8 9 1 9 https oip manual canon V_200901 58 En Fr De It Es Ca Eu Pt El Da Nl No Sv Fi R...

Page 59: ...Canon https oip manual canon Canon Canon Canon II 50 59 En Fr De It Es Ca Eu Pt El Da Nl No Sv Fi Ru Uk Lv Lt Et Pl Cs Sk Sl Hr Hu Ro Bg Tr Ar Fa...

Page 60: ...ion Regulatory information for users in Jordan LBP722Cdw includes approved Wireless LAN Module Model name K30365 Contains Wireless LAN Module approved by TRC SS 2014 407 60 En Fr De It Es Ca Eu Pt El...

Page 61: ...urope com ce documentation Wireless LAN Specifications Frequency band s 2412 2472MHz Maximum radio frequency power 14 08 dBm IEC60825 1 2014 EN60825 1 2014 1 CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT LASER KLASSE 1 APPAR...

Page 62: ...F Adobe Acrobat Reader Adobe Systems https get adobe com reader Canon 1 9 1 2 3 4 5 a 6 7 8 9 1 9 https oip manual canon V_200901 62 En Fr De It Es Ca Eu Pt El Da Nl No Sv Fi Ru Uk Lv Lt Et Pl Cs Sk S...

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Page 67: ...eruoja magnetines ar elektromagnetines bangas Netoli elektronini prietais ar tikslios rangos tokios kaip televizoriai radijo imtuvai ir kompiuteriai Laboratorijos ar kitos vietos kur vyksta chemin s r...

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Page 75: pnie od cza przew d zasilaj cy i kable interfejsu Czyszczenie i konserwacja urz dzenia Niew a ciwe czyszczenie mo e spowodowa nieprawid owe dzia anie urz dzenia po ar pora enie pr dem elektrycznym...

Page 76: legalno ci wykorzystania produktu do skanowania drukowania lub innego rodzaju reprodukcji konkretnego dokumentu i lub wykorzystania zeskanowanych wydrukowanych lub w inny spos b powielonych obraz...

Page 77: ...praw do OPROGRAMOWANIA nie udzielaj u ytkownikowi adnych licencji ani praw wyra nych ani dorozumianych do jakiejkolwiek w asno ci intelektualnej z wyj tkiem wyra nie okre lonych w niniejszym dokumenc...

Page 78: ...ta vystaven dramatick m zm n m teploty nebo vlhkosti V bl zkosti za zen generuj c ch magnetick nebo elektromagnetick vlny V bl zkosti elektronick ch za zen nebo p esn ch za zen jako jsou televizory r...

Page 79: ...k p edm ty P i pou v n d l kter se otev raj a zav raj d vejte pozor abyste si nep isk pli ruce Nedot kejte se v le k pro vysunut pap ru abyste si nep isk pli ruce nebo prsty P i dopl ov n pap ru nebo...

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Page 82: ...kom priameho slne n ho iarenia Miesta vystaven extr mne vysokej alebo extr mne n zkej teplote alebo vlhkosti Miesta vystaven inkom n hlych zmien teploty alebo vlhkosti Bl zko zariadenia ktor generuje...

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Page 86: ...h sprememb temperature in vlage Mesto blizu opreme ki proizvaja magnetne ali elektromagnetne valove Blizu elektronskih naprav ali precizne opreme kot so televizorji radijski sprejemniki in ra unalniki...

Page 87: ...valjev Pri nalaganju papirja ali odstranjevanju zagozdenega papirja pazite da se ne pore ete na njegovih ostrih robovih Izogibajte se tresenju ali udarjanju naprave Vratc pokrovov in pladnjev ne odpi...

Page 88: ...niku Blagovne znamke Koda QR je blagovna znamka dru be DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED Vsa imena znamk in proizvodov v tem priro niku so registrirane blagovne znamke in blagovne znamke njihovih lastnikov Zav...

Page 89: ...zravnoj sun evoj svjetlosti Mjesta izlo ena ekstremnoj temperaturi i vlazi visokoj ili niskoj Mjesta izlo ena drasti nim promjenama temperature ili vlage Blizina opreme koja stvara magnetske ili elekt...

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Page 108: ...Canon https oip manual canon Canon Canon 2 50 108 En Fr De It Es Ca Eu Pt El Da Nl No Sv Fi Ru Uk Lv Lt Et Pl Cs Sk Sl Hr Hu Ro Bg Tr Ar Fa...

Page 109: ...ective 2014 53 EU The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address http www canon europe com ce documentation Wireless LAN Specifications Frequency band...

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