User authentication information
registered in SDL (Simple Device Login)
When user changed a login application of
MEAP to SDL, backup of user
authentication information is necessary
according to the following procedure.
(1) Access the following URL.
http:// [Device IP Address]:8000/sdl/
(2) Login using user name and a password
registered in SDL as an administrator.
Defaults are as follows:
User name: Administrator
Password: password
(3) Click user management.
(4) Place a checkmark to Select All, and
click Export.
(5) Click start without changing File
Format and Encoding from defaults.
(6) Specify a storage location of file, and
click save.
Note: Data that backup is impossible
Data stored in the boxes, yet-to-be-
transmitted documents, overlaid-image
data are deleted since backup is
impossible. Ask user how to handle data
that backup is impossible, and take
appropriate actions such as printing out the
data if necessary.
Refer to Points to Note on Installation for
details of data that backup is impossible.
Obtaining and
Registering the
license key
After completion of data backup, then
move to next step: obtain a license key
through LMS and register it. Basically
users are supposed to operate obtaining
their license keys by themselves following
the License Registration booklet Guide,
which offers the detailed procedures. The
outline of the procedures is described
below just for reference.
Memo: What is LMS?
The LMS (License Management System)
is new license server system, which has
been offered by Canon Inc. to be used as a
mean of validating the iR software options.
The purposes of the system are to centrally
manage the options in the forms of license
and to keep the options from being copied.
Instead of conventional methods, such as a
dongle or PC, in this new system, the
license keys are used in order to validate
the options. Basically users are supposed
to do the operation, however, the situation
will be various in countries or regions.
When purchasing an option, a license
access number certificate sheet is
packaged with the option. The access
number is used to obtain a license key,
which is specific to the number. Users can
access to the Web server, the LMS itself,
with the number, and obtain the license
key. With the license key is registered to