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7-1. Resetting the Main and Platen Waste Ink Counters
The counters for the main waste ink absorber and the platen waste ink absorber can be reset
separately. At waste ink absorber replacement, using the iP1500 service tool, reset the applicable
waste ink counter(s). (When both the main and platen waste ink absorbers are replaced, reset both
the main and platen waste ink counters.)
<Waste ink absorber replacement procedures>
1. Error check
At a waste ink full error (95% or full), identify which waste ink abosrber is full, the main or the
platen, using the iP1500 service tool’s EEP-ROM INFORMATION, Dd or Ds values, as the error
itself does not indicate which waste ink absorber is full. (See APPENDIX 2, iP1500 SERVICE
TOOL, for details). Then, replace the applicable waste ink absorber.
- Dd: Main waste ink absorber amount (128,400 mg at 95% full, 135,200 mg at full)
- Ds: Platen waste ink absorber amount (7,220 mg at 95% full, 7,600 mg at full)
2. Resetting the replaced waste ink absorber counter
- At main waste ink absorber replacement:
In the iP1500 service tool CLEAR WASTE INK COUNTER section, click MAIN to reset
the main waste ink counter value.
- At platen waste ink absorber replacement:
In the iP1500 service tool CLEAR WASTE INK COUNTER section, click PLATEN to
reset the platen waste ink counter value.