Dieses Produkt ist zum Gebrauch im Wohnbereich, Geschäfts-und
Gewerbebereich sowie in Kleinbetrieben vorgesehen.
Model Names
The following name may be provided for the safety regulations in each
sales region of the Document Scanner.
DR-M140II: Model 6130240
• Canon and the Canon logo are registered trademarks, of Canon Inc.
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• imageFORMULA is a trademark of CANON ELECTRONICS INC.
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Environmental Protection Agency.
• ISIS is a registered trademark of Open Text in the United States.
• iDRS
SDK 15 Windows 32 - 64 bit technology by Image
Recognition Integrated Systems S.A.
Copyright 1987 - 2019, I.R.I.S. S.A. All rights reserved.
• QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE
INCORPORATED in Japan and in other countries.
• Other product and company names herein may be the trademarks
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Reproduction Warning
This device is designed to be used in a legal manner, in accordance
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Any person(s) found to have reproduced any of the following materials
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