With a digital camera, you should use a card with ample capacity. If you
cannot decide on the composition or which mode to use, you should
shoot freely in various compositions and modes. Even if the picture is
slightly blurred, it can still convey something. You can always erase
failed or unwanted images, so be sure to try many different shots.
Depending on the scene, instead of having the subject at the center,
you should put the subject toward the right or left and include some
background. This gives the picture more balance and depth.
While you press the shutter button halfway to focus a still subject, the
focus will be locked at the subject’s distance. Then aim the camera to
the right or left and press the shutter button completely. This is called
“focus lock”. Focus lock is also possible in other Basic Zone modes
(except <
> Sports).
Full Auto Techniques (Scene Intelligent Auto)
Recomposing the Shot
Depending on the scene, instead of having the subject at the center,
Depending on the scene, instead of having the subject at the center,
you should put the subject toward the right or left and include some
you should put the subject toward the right or left and include some
background. This gives the picture more balance and depth.
background. This gives the picture more balance and depth.
While you press the shutter button halfway to focus a still subject, the
While you press the shutter button halfway to focus a still subject, the
focus will be locked at the subject’s distance. Then aim the camera to
focus will be locked at the subject’s distance. Then aim the camera to
the right or left and press the shutter button completely. This is called
the right or left and press the shutter button completely. This is called
“focus lock”. Focus lock is also possible in other Basic Zone modes
“focus lock”. Focus lock is also possible in other Basic Zone modes
> Sports).
> Sports).