Appendix B
Sharing Your Printer Over an AppleTalk Network
You can choose the print server for the client in this dialog box.
First select the zone in the lower-left box of the Chooser in which
the printer is setup if any AppleTalk zones exist. Then in the Print
Server box, choose the name of the printer server that corresponds
to the printer you want to use.
Queue menu
With this menu, you can specify when you want each document to
print. To perform a Queue command on a particular print job, first
select the print job and then select the command. The Queue menu
includes these commands:
Get Info
Displays information about the selected print jobs in the queue.
Puts the selected print jobs on hold and marks them with an H.
Releases a hold condition, or restarts a print job that has been
paused and marked with an E due to an error.
Removes the selected print job from the print queue. If the print job
is currently being printed, printing of that job is stopped and the
job is deleted from the queue.
Sharing Printer—
alk Network