Importing images using the Camera window
Importing images using the Camera window
The Camera window is invoked when one of the following conditions is met:
This section describes how to import or download the images to ImageBrowser using the Camera
Make sure that adaptors for the memory card reader or the memory card are
installed correctly on your computer before importing image data saved in the
memory card.
Your Canon digital camera must be connected correctly to your computer to open
the Camera window using the Canon Camera button or the Canon Camera icon.
Data displayed in the Camera window
When you select the Display Images
option in the
Automation wizard.
All the images stored in your device that can be rec-
ognized by the Automation wizard, such as a digital
camera or a memory card.
When you double-click the DCIM icon in the
Explorer View.
All the images stored in the DCIM folder in the
memory card or the smart media.
*The folder name, DCIM, may be different depend-
ing on the type of data stored in the memory card
used or the hard drive connected. For example, the
foler name may be DC97 or PWSHOTO.
When you click the Canon Camera button.
The images stored in your Canon digital camera
connected to your computer.
When you click the Canon Camera icon in the
Explorer View.