seCTIon e. mAInTenAnCe
InsPeCTIon And mAInTenAnCe ARe
ImPoRTAnT To yoUR sAfeTy And The
lonGevITy of yoUR BICyCle.
Any part of a poorly maintained bike can break
or malfunction leading to an accident where
you can be killed, severely injured or paralyzed.
Please ask your Cannondale Dealer to help you
develop a complete maintenance program, a
program which includes a list of the parts on
your bike for YOU to check regularly. Frequent
checks are necessary to identify the problems
that can lead
to an accident.
yoU CAn Be seveRely InJURed, PARAlyZed
oR kIlled In An ACCIdenT If yoU IGnoRe
30 dAy seRvICe
Many retailers offer a special on the first service of
your new bike. Whether it is free or not, please be
sure to have this first service done. The first service
is very important. Many parts of the bike will break
in, bed in, stretch or seat themselves through use.
This is true even with a perfectly assembled new
bike. The first service is the chance to make all the
small adjustments that will enhance the safety,
performance and durability of your new bike.
This is as important as the first oil change on a
new car. This first service also gives you the perfect
opportunity to ask questions arising from reading
the manuals and actually riding your new bike, take
steps to fine tune your fit and comfort on the bike,
and add accessories to suit your needs.
Use only water and dishwashing liquid.
On suspension forks and shocks, cover adjustment
knobs and air filter (if equipped) with a clean plastic
bag secured temporarily with a rubber band or
masking tape.
Before wiping away dirt, use an ordinary water hose
to gently spray off heavy soils and dirt.
do noT PoWeR WAsh or spray water under
high pressure to clean. Power washing will
force contaminants into parts where they will
promote corrosion, immediately damage, or
result in accelerated wear.
do noT Use ComPRessed AIR To dRy.
do noT Use ABRAsIve oR hARsh ChemICAl
CleAneR/solvenTs which can damage the
finish or attack and destroy both the outside
and internal parts.
When rinsing, avoid directing the spray directly
at shock/fork adjusters or bearings.
PRevenTInG CoRRosIon
After cleaning and drying it is a good idea to lightly
coat the water bottle bosses with a water displacing
lubricant such as Tri-Flow or WD40 to minimize
corrosion from sweat and salt. This is particularly
important on bicycles used in coastal salt air
environments and those drenched in sweat on an
indoor trainer.
To thoroughly clean the frame it is desirable to
remove components. This is best done in conjunction
with a periodic overhaul by an authorized Cannondale