do noT RIde A fRAme oR foRk WITh Any
CRACk, even A smAll one. RIdInG A
CRACked fRAme oR foRk CoUld leAd To
yoUR fRAme/foRk BReAkInG, WITh RIsk
of ACCIdenT, seRIoUs InJURy, PARAlysIs oR
fork Inspection
1. Remove the front wheel.
2. Clean the fork.
3. Carefully inspect the whole fork for cracks. Pay
particular attention to the fork crown area and
the area where the dropouts meet the fork
blades. Look on the inside of the fork while the
wheel is out. Check the area around the brake
pivot bosses or caliper mount.
heAdshok, lefTy, or sUPeRmAX
In addition to the general information in this manual,
you must follow the specific maintenance and
inspection instructions for the HEADSHOK, LEFTY, or
If you do not have the product soecific owner’s
manual supplement, get one now. You can ask your
Cannondale Dealer, or go to our website for a free
Adobe Acrobat version of any supplement.
Go to http://www.cannondale.com/manuals/.
other suspension forks
If you have a fork made by a third party, please read
and follow the inspection instructions contained in
the manual that covers that fork. If you do not have
the third party’s manual, get one now.
RIdInG WITh An ImPRoPeRly seCURed
Wheel CAn AlloW The Wheel To WoBBle
oR fAll off The BICyCle, WhICh CAn CAUse
seRIoUs InJURy oR deATh. TheRefoRe, IT Is
essenTIAl ThAT yoU:
1. Ask your dealer to help you make sure you
know how to install and remove your wheels
2. Understand and apply the correct technique
for clamping your wheel in place.
3. Each time, before you ride the bike, check
that the wheel is securely clamped. The
clamping action of a correctly secured wheel
must emboss the surfaces of the dropouts.
See also PART I, SECTION 4. A Wheels.