137370 Rev 1.
CAAD13 - Owner’s Manual Supplement
Seat Binder Inspection
The internal seat binder system consists of a sliding clamp assembly and a nut base with double-
sided adhesive holding it to a special mating surface inside the seat tube. The sliding clamp parts
can be removed when the seat post is out.
Always clean the surfaces of the sliding clamp by wiping them with a clean dry lint-free shop
towel only. Do not soak the parts, as the internal washer is lubricated with grease. Solvents
will wash out the lubricant and the assembly will have to be regreased by disassembling it
If the nut base has become rotated, it should be removed and re-affixed to the frame.
The process is described in the Service Instruction for the parts kit. These instruction
are not provided in this manual. We reccommend that you have a Cannondale Dealer
perform the replacement.
Please Note: During first assembly of the nut base, it is important to not push on the 4mm allen
when tightening onto the seatpost. This can disengage the adhesive tape before proper bonding.
A poor bond can lead to misalignment. The 3M™ VHB™ Tape 5980 is pressure sensitive.
To inspect
1. To remove the seat post. See previous page.
2. To remove the sliding clamp, use a 4 mm
hex key and turn grub screw slowly clock-
wise until the clamp is disengaged from the
nut base.
3. Use the 4 mm hex to push the clamp out
through the seat tube opening.
4. Look into the frame opening. Use a pen
flashlight. Check the position of the nut
base. See CORRECT next page.
5. If the nut base is missing, or rotated or
damaged, a replacement is required. This
service should be performed by a Cannon-
dale Dealer.
6. Check the condition of the clamp. The
seat post face and frame contact surfaces
should be smooth. If they are not, the clamp
assembly should be replaced with a new
7. Clean the parts and inside the seat tube
with a dry shop towel and re-apply grease
and carbon paste as indicated.
8. Returning the sliding clamp to the frame,
using the 4 mm hex to guide it to the nut
9 Turn the grub screw counter-clockwise to
engage the nut base. Make sure it is enaged
sufficiently to easily insert the seat post into
the seat tube.