What your alarm system is...
Your alarm system is made up of a control panel and several detection devices like motion sensors,
magnetic contacts, and so on. Specific areas of detection are called zones. Zones can be programmed to
have different characteristics. Some zones may be 24-hour zones, that is, they remain armed even when
the alarm system is off. Zones used for fire detection, for example, are always 24-hour zones. In addition,
some zones can be programmed to allow bypassing. When you bypass a zone, you temporarily remove
it from the alarm system.
Always remember, however, that bypassed zones are not protected
How your alarm system works...
When a detection device is triggered, the status of its zone goes from normal to FAULTED. If armed,
the control panel responds by reporting an alarm condition on site --- flashing keypad lights, sounding
bells --- and if programmed, by transmitting an alarm signal over the telephone wires to a central
monitoring station. The monitoring station then dispatches the appropriate authorities.
Some of your system's operations require you to enter your personal identification number (PIN) on the
keypad. These include ARMING and DISARMING.
Along with its many other features, your system can be programmed to ARM INSTANTLY or to ARM
WITH TIME DELAY (i.e., after giving you time to leave the premises).