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What your alarm system is...

Your alarm system is made up of a control panel and several detection devices like motion sensors,
magnetic contacts, and so on.  Specific areas of detection are called zones.  Zones can be programmed to
have different characteristics.  Some zones may be 24-hour zones, that is, they remain armed even when
the alarm system is off.  Zones used for fire detection, for example, are always 24-hour zones.  In addition,
some zones can be programmed to allow bypassing.  When you bypass a zone, you temporarily remove
it from the alarm system.  

Always remember, however, that bypassed zones are not protected


How your alarm system works...

When a detection device is triggered, the status of its zone goes from normal to FAULTED.  If armed,
the control panel responds by reporting an alarm condition on site --- flashing keypad lights, sounding
bells --- and if programmed, by transmitting an alarm signal over the telephone wires to a central
monitoring station.  The monitoring station then dispatches the appropriate authorities.

Some of your system's operations require you to enter your personal identification number (PIN) on the
keypad.  These include ARMING and DISARMING.

Along with its many other features, your system can be programmed to ARM INSTANTLY or to ARM
WITH TIME DELAY (i.e., after giving you time to leave the premises).

Summary of Contents for System 236i

Page 1: ...stem 236 System 236i...

Page 2: ...nginstructionsarealso deyourkeypad s door nsorneedhelpwith __________________ __________________ Ifyouhavemonitoringquestionsorincases ofaccidentalalarms call ______________________________________ __...

Page 3: ...2 Doorchime Keypadtones 23 24 Testing your system 25 27 Telephonetrouble 28 Smokedetectorplacement 29 Emergencyevacuation 30 Definitions 31 Limitationsofyouralarmsystem 32 Keypadoperations 33 35 TestP...

Page 4: ...rarilyremove m Always remember however that bypassed zones are not protected orks ceistriggered thestatusofitszonegoesfromnormaltoFAULTED Ifarmed ndsbyreportinganalarmconditiononsite flashingkeypadlig...

Page 5: ...larmsystemarealsooptional andwillonlybeinstalledifappropriatefor somesystemfeatureswillrequireyoutoenteryourpersonalidentificationnumber nual watchforboxeslikethese ehasbeeninstalledinyoursystem its b...

Page 6: ...eormorezonesarefaulted off onsteady Readylightwillbeonuntilsystemisarmed off slowflash Armed with 7 on off Readylightisonifallzonesarenormal slowflash onsteady slowflash Armed with 4 Flashingzonesareb...

Page 7: ...flashatthe samerate slowflash slowflash Serviceandzoneintrouble Flashatthesamerate slowflash slowflash slowflash Armed with 4 7 Flashingzonesarebypassed R T READY LIGHT ARMED LIGHT REMARKS SERVICE LIG...

Page 8: ...zoneprogrammedforsteadybellorsirenisinalarm circuitmalfunction troubleonsupervisedloopsonly invalidfunction unauthorizedcommandattempted errorchangingPINnumber wrongPINnumberentered zoneprogrammedforc...

Page 9: ...llyturnoffafterfiveminutes asa uritymeasure PressinganykeyonthekeypadwillturntheZONElightsbackon r PIN number is four digits long n tpauseformorethan5secondswhileenteringthedigitsorthecontrolpanelwill...

Page 10: ...ystem as well as stallercaninstall However it simportantforyoutorememberthatnomatterhowyour u will always disarm it in the same way enter your PIN then push the key UTOHOMEARMINGoptionenablesthesystem...

Page 11: ...thesystemisarmed Refertothenextthreesections HOMEARMING ANT HOME ARMING and BYPASSING ZONES UTION WhenthesystemisInstantArmed youwillnotbeabletoenterthroughany perimeterdoororwalkthroughanyprotectedar...

Page 12: ...interiorzones E ARMING ke sure the green READY light is on redARMlightwillbeonwhilethesystemisarmed 4 meArmingallowsyoutomoveaboutfreelyinsidethepremiseswhilethesystemis ed canenterthepremiseswithouts...

Page 13: ...toconfirmthatthesystem med er your PIN if required sh the key enter the digit 7 digit 4 then push the key redARMlightwillflashwhiletheperimeterzonesareInstantArmed red ZONE light s of bypassed zones w...

Page 14: ...ingdetermineswhichPINscanbypasszones alsowhich es can be bypassed To learn if a zone can be bypassed see the ZONE DESCRIP N LIST on page 37 er your PIN if required 2 ZONE h the key enter the digit 2 e...

Page 15: ...remoteprogramming Whenremotepro mmingisused thesystemcaneitherbearmedordisarmed moveabypass ter your PIN push the key enter the digit 2 enter the zone om which the bypass is to be removed then push th...

Page 16: ...beabletoarmthe muntilthefaultedzoneisclearedormanuallybypassed CE ARMING ne exceptfor24 hourzones thatisviolatedduringtheEXITDELAY illautomaticallybebypasseduntilthesystemisdisarmed ng bypassed zones...

Page 17: 10 ondsbeforethedelaytimeexpires orthepanelisdisarmed thenbeeprapidlyfor ast10seconds er your PIN within conds and push the key ke sure the red ARM light on the keypad goes off eARMlightdoesnotgoof...

Page 18: ...adwillflashfasttohelpyourememberwherethe ationsoccurred his is a false alarm and no emergency response is needed call central station IMMEDIATELY at to ncelthealarm edownthenumberofthefaultedzonestohe...

Page 19: ...key for three dswilltriggeranalarm Thekeypadwillbeeptwicetoconfirm armcondition SS ALARM danintruderforceyoutoturnyoursecuritysystemonoroff ansendasilentDURESSsignaltoourcentralstationbyenter er Code...

Page 20: ...1 6 NGING A SYSTEM 236 USER PIN er your Master PIN push key enter the digit 0 then sh the key 0 READY SERVICE and ARM lights will flash slowly er the User number 1 6 and push e key USER er that User s...

Page 21: ...nutes thesystemwillautomaticallyexittheprogramming de t the programming mode by pushing the ey then the key ke sure the new PIN works erleavingtheprogrammingmode ArmandDisarmyoursystemtoensurethatthe...

Page 22: ...reset okedetectorsbydoingthefollowing h the key enter the digit 6 digit 2 and push the key 2 6 DBY BATTERY dtherebealossofACpower thegreenPOWERlightonthekeypad out andyouralarmsystemwillswitchtoitsst...

Page 23: ...igit 5 n push the key 5 AD TONE DISABLE ndisablethesoundsthekeypadmakesforavarietyoffunctions These nsinclude KEYPADFEEDBACK thekeypadbeepseverytimeyoupress XITPRE ALARMtone exitdelaycountdown ENTRYPR...

Page 24: ...tinued theENTRY EXITPRE ALARMtones entry exitdelaycountdown on h the key enter the digit 5 digit 2 and push the key 2 5 4 5 n the CONFIRMATION ERROR tones on and off h the key enter the digit 5 digit...

Page 25: ...n push the key cethekeypadlightsgoout thesystemwillbe dyfortesting Walkthroughtheareasprotected motionsensors openandcloseprotecteddoorsandwindows Eachtimeazoneis ted itscorrespondingredZONElightonthe...

Page 26: ...batteryunderload 4 6 standbybatterytesttakes2minutes Duringthetest thePOWERlightwillbeoff ebatteryisokay thekeypadwillbeeptwice e battery is low or dead the POWER light will flash slowly the SERVICE l...

Page 27: ...on Weekendsarethebesttimeforthe RAL STATION TEST To schedule one call our central station at CENTRAL STATION er your PIN if required sh the key enter the digit 6 digit 1 then push the key 6 1 etestmes...

Page 28: ...le onejackislocated oublegoesawaywhenyouunplugthecontrol callusforservice tillhavetelephonetroubleafterunpluggingthealarmsystem plugthe mbackin thencallyourtelephonecompany TE If your telephone system...

Page 29: ...garea inthevicinityofbedrooms Innewconstruction asmoke achseperatesleepingroom Heatorsmokedetectorsshouldbeinstalledinlivingrooms oms basements andattachedgarages BED ROOM BED ROOM BEDROOM BASEMENT Pl...

Page 30: ...eryoneis eadtoadoorthatpermitsnormal beaneasilyopenedwindow blocked windows stairs androoftops ateescaperoutesforeachroom softhesketchineachroom tesfreefromobstruction theoccupantsareasleep menteringt...

Page 31: ...inationusedtoarmanddisarmthecontrolpanel andto accessanyofthespecialfunctionsthatrequireacombination PIN numbersmustbefourdigitslong ZONE Oneoftheprotectedareasinyourpremises 24 HOUR ZONE Azonethatisa...

Page 32: ...monitoringstationmaybeoutofservice andaresubjectto nsofattack ionwiththealarmsystemmaynotsensefiresthatstartwheresmokecannotreachthedetectors suchasin othersideofcloseddoors Smokedetectorsalsomaynotse...

Page 33: ...MasterPINrequired ClearsthealarmmemoryandWatchdogReset ServiceLight Bypassesindividualzones PINmayberequired Armsthesystemwithinteriorzonesbypassed PINmayberequired ConvertsEntrytimedelayzonestoINSTA...

Page 34: ...e Alarmtoneson off TurnstheErrortoneson off InitiatestheLocalSystemTest PINmayberequired InitiatestheCentralStationTest PINmayberequired ResetsSmokeDetectors TurnstheaudibleKeypadFeedbackon off Turnst...

Page 35: ...medelayzonestoINSTANTandarmsthesystem PIN mayberequired ConvertsEntrytimedelayzonestoINSTANT ifprogrammedtodo so andarmsperimeterzones whilebypassinginteriorzones PIN mayberequired RefertoInstantHomeA...

Page 36: ...alldetection esareworkingproperly Inaddition ifyoursystemisbeingmonitored ouldperiodicallytestitsabilitytotransmitsignalstoourcentralstation tests should be performed weekly pages25 27forfurtherinform...

Page 37: ...37 ON Y E S NO BYPASS...

Page 38: ...this equipment This information must be provided to your telephone company if requested The REN may be used to es which may be connected to your telephone line and still have all devices ring properl...

Page 39: ...made by the user to this equipment e telephone company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment Repairs to this equipment should be made MS Inc Contact your local alarm installation compa...

Page 40: ...gisteredtrademarkofC K nts Inc Copyright 1995 C K SYSTEMS Inc All Rights Reserved...
