General terms and conditions of a warranty
Camsat company gives a warranty of 24 months for transmission sets of the following
TCO 5807, CAM 5816, CDS 5021, CD04, CD06, CDS-5IP
In case of detecting incorrect work of a device, before giving the device to the
service, it is necessary to make sure that everything was done in accordance with
the instruction manual.
In case of giving or sending the faulty device to be repaired, it is indispensable to
enclose a detailed description in the written form including faulty action of the
device with taking into consideration work environment and the way in which they
can be seen.
One can use the warranty if he shows the proof of purchase (a receipt) with the
claimed device including the purchase date and a description of the damage.
The warranty repair includes only damages resulting from causes included in the
sold device.
The warranty repair will be made in the shortest time possible not exceeding 14
days counting from the date of accepting the device to be repaired in the service. In
case of a necessity to import parts, the repair date can be exceeded. After making
the repair, the warranty period is exceeded by the time of repair.
The guarantor is not responsible for losing configuration settings of the device
resulting from the repair of the device or its damage.
The guarantor can refuse making the warranty repair or completely renounce from
the warranty in case of stating that seals on the devices or subsystems included in it
are broken.
All remarks concerning the service and resulting from the warranty are made only in
the service of the Camsat company.