Select CR10T as the DATALOGGER TYPE:
parameters. Press the SPACE BAR to step
through the options. Press ENTER to
advance to the next parameter.
Select the correct communication port by
pressing the SPACE BAR at the USE
ADAPTER prompt.
Select a baud rate of 9600 baud at the
Four combinations of two options are given
for the DATA FILE FORMAT: parameter;
two formats for the time stamp and two
formats for data. The first time stamp format
is SERIAL DAY that gives the year, month,
day, hour, minute, and seconds as a single
decimal number (e.g., 33850.4921296296 is
equivalent to 1992-09-03 11:48:40). The
second time stamp format is
INTERNATIONAL DATE and lists the time
stamp as YEAR-MO-DD HH:MM:SS. The
two options available for data format are
selection gives the data in a comma
delineated format while the REPORT aligns
the data in columns. Usually COMMA is
best for data to be imported, and REPORT
is best for data that will be printed or viewed
manually. The COMMA W/
compatible with the RTMS DBSelect ASCII
file format.
The STATION NO: parameter is used to
assign a number to each node for use by the
communication protocols. GraphTerm
normally uses two nodes; the datalogger and
the RFBase in RF applications. The
STATION NO: is specified as the NBR:
parameter when editing net descriptions with
NetAdmin. If the NBR: number used in
NetAdmin is known, it should be entered
here otherwise the default of 1 will work.
Note that a CR10T datalogger will issue a
warning message if its station number
changes but otherwise there is no problem
using a number different then assigned with
NetAdmin. The station number should not
be confused with the station ID number that
is set with the switches in the RF95T.
The PATH: parameter is the station number
of the RFBase (see above STATION NO:)
followed by a colon. As with the datalogger,
if the NetAdmin NBR: parameter for the
RFBase is known it can be used. Otherwise,
specify a number that is different from what
was specified for the STATION NO:
parameter. The remote station ID (This is
the ID as set with switches at the datalogger
site) follows the colon. If repeaters are to
be used, their station ID numbers follow the
colon and precede the remote station ID
number. Separate the station ID numbers
with a comma. For example, the path above
assigns the base a station number of 2 and
calls a remote with the station ID set to 1
with the switches. A path of 2:1,2 would also
assign the base a station number of 2 and
call a remote with its switches set to an ID of
2 via a repeater with its switches set to 1.
To summarize station numbers and station
ID numbers: a station number is unique
number assigned to each node by the
software. The datalogger's station number
is assigned with the STATION NO:
parameter. The RFBase station number is
specified as the part of the PATH: parameter
(the part preceding the colon). Station ID
numbers are set with the switches at each
RF95T site. They are used to specify the
calling path to the datalogger. The repeater
ID numbers follow the colon but precede the
remote ID number. ID numbers are
separated by commas.
With the station file selected, GraphTerm
supports the following options. These are
described in detail in the GraphTerm
manual. Some of these options are only
available for CR10T dataloggers. The LINK
TEST FOR RF is only available when a
station file using RF is in use.
GraphTerm Options:
C - Call station CR10T
T - Terminal emulator
D - Download program to datalogger
S - Save program from datalogger
K - PC time to datalogger clock
M - Monitor Input Locations
U - Collect uncollected data
X - eXamine data tables
L - Link test for RF
E - Edit station parameters
V - View graphics file
Q - Quit