response Entering SDI12 Terminal indicates that the sensor is ready to accept SDI-12
10. To query the sensor for its current SDI-12 address, type ?! and press Enter. The sensor
responds with its SDI-12 address. If no characters are typed within 60 seconds, the mode is
exited. In that case, simply type SDI12 again, press Enter, and type the correct control port
number when prompted.
11. To change the SDI-12 address, type aAb!, where a is the current address from the previous
step and b is the new address. Press Enter. The sensor changes its address and responds
with the new address. In the following example, the sensor address is changed from 0 to B.
12. To exit SDI-12 transparent mode, click Close Terminal.
The transparent mode for the CR6, CR3000, CR800-series, CR300-series, and CR1000 data
loggers is similar to that shown for the CR1000X.
C.3 References
SDI-12 Support Group. SDI-12: A Serial-Digital Interface Standard for Microprocessor-Based
Sensors – Version 1.4
. River Heights, UT: SDI-12 Support Group, 2017.
ClariVUE™10 Side-Scatter Turbidity Sensor