Cleaning supplies to clean the surge protector and connections
31317 Surge Protector Kit
Procedure for connection:
1. Inspect connection components. If connectors are contaminated with dust, oil, or
corrosion, thoroughly clean the connections without introducing liquid onto cable ends.
Consider replacing connectors that have significant corrosion or cables that may have
become water or oil soaked.
2. Clean the body of the Polyphaser protector.
3. Connect the Polyphaser protector to the antenna and use a SWR meter to ensure the
measured surge protector value is in the 1.1:1 SWR range, which meets the protector SWR
4. Place the washer, ground lug ring, and nut on a Polyphaser protector connector.
5. Connect cables to the Polyphaser protector.
38485 4G/3G 9 dBi MIMO Cellular Antenna