53/89 Device handbook A
with / without LED display
679-19, 04/2016
7.9.3 Access to logger data
Only for device versions with Ethernet a direct access tot he logger data via interface is possible. For all
other versions you have to remove the SD card first and to access the recorded data using an internal or
external card reader. The analysis of the data is performed using the CB-Analyzer software.
7.9.4 Logger data analysis
The analysis of recorded logger data can be done using the PC software CB-Analyzer. The software may
be downloaded free of charge from our homepage
The file "Read-me-first" provides all necessary information for the installation of the
CB-Analyzer software and assistance for possible problems.
Functionality of the CB-Analyzer software
This .NET-based software facilitates the data acquisition and analysis of the optional data loggers and
lists of SINEAX CAM and A
. The data read from the devices will be stored in a database. The
program is capable of processing several devices simultaneously.
Acquisition of logger and list data of several devices
Storage of the data in a database (Access, SQLClient)
Different analyzing options of the acquired data, also across devices
Report generation in list or graphic format
Selectable time range in the preparation of reports
Export of report data to Excel or as an Acrobat PDF file
The CB-Analyzer software provides a comprehensive help facility, which describes in detail the operation
of the software. Below a screen-shot is shown, which shows as an example the graphical analysis of the
power demand of a factory over one week.