Command Line Instructions (CLI)
Command Line Instructions can also be used
to control and monitor the functions of the
PowerPad15S and attached devices over a VCP
(Virtual COM Port). In order to use the command
line interface a serial terminal emulator must be
installed on the host computer.
Examples include Serial, ZTerm, PuTTy, and
Minicom. Once you have installed your preferred
terminal emulator, please connect to the device
COM port using 115,200 baud, 8 data bits, No Parity,
1 Stop Bit. Once you get a command prompt, type
“help” for a list of commands. An example selection
is shown below, with more commands available on
our website.
Typing “l” will give equivalent information to
LiveViewer and, using the command “logc X”, will
output the data to the terminal window every “X”
seconds, which can then be copied into another
file if required. To return to the prompt at any time,
please type “q”.
For further advice and information on using CLI,
please visit our website.
mode <m> [p]
Set mode <m> for port [p] or all ports
mode c <p> [cp]
Set charge mode for a port <p> with optional profile [cp] to enter
state [p]
Show state for port [p] or all ports
Show hardware and firmware information
Show voltages, temperature, errors and boot flag
Clear error flags
sef [flags]...
Set error flags
Clear rebooted flag
Show voltage and temperature limits
List all profiles on system
en_profile <i> <1|0>
Enable (1) or disable (0) profile <i>
set_profiles <p> [l]
Set profiles <l> associated with port <p>
get_profiles <p>
List profiles associated with port <p>
sec [arm|disarm]
Set or reveal security mode
host [auto|manual]
Show if USB host is present, and set mode change
Show id string
Board description
logc <s>
Report mA for each port every <s> seconds
loge [s]
Report state for all ports every [s] seconds and events as they occur
Live view (periodically updated screen showing system state)
remote [exit|kexit]
Enter or exit mode where console is controlled by terminal
ledb <p> <row> <ptn>
Set individual LED on row <row>, port <p> to flash bit pattern <ptn>
leds <row> [ptnstr]
Set flash pattern of a string of LEDs on row <row> to string <ptnstr>
Read key click event flags
lcd <row> <col> <str>
Write string <s> to LCD at row <row>, column <col>
Clear LCD
beep [ms]
Make console beep for [ms] milliseconds
Clear terminal screen
reboot [watchdog]
Reboot (optionally by using watchdog timeout)
serial_speed [test|fast|slow]
Change serial interface speed
Change internal delays
host [auto/manual/charge/sync/off]
Show if USB host is present, and set mode change
[p] is port number.
Range 1...16. Omit for ‘all’
<m> is port mode:
c=Charge, s=Sync, o=Off, b=Biassed
<l> is a list of profile IDs.
Blank to use all profiles.
<i> is a single profile ID.
Optional parameters are shown in [ ]. Compulsory in < >.
Tab key
Re-runs previous command.
Cursor up
recalls last command.