Creative Multi Speaker
Surround (CMSS)
CMSS is a 2-channel to 5.1-channel
sound processor similar in some aspects
to a Dolby Surround with Pro Logic
CMSS Music mode creates a
convincing 5.1 channel surround
soundfield with typical stereo sources,
whether they are Dolby Surround-
encoded or not. It works well with Dolby
Pro Logic, WAVE, AVI and MIDI
program material. In essence, CMSS
Music mode puts you “on the stage”
for the music’s performance, surround-
ing you with the performers.
In a similar manner, CMSS Movie
mode provides the sonic impression of
being front and center at a movie
screening. Dialog and all normally
centered sounds from a stereo program
are heard through the center speaker. Use
this mode whenever a music program has
sounds you want to blend with on-screen
action or dialog.
Unlike Pro Logic decoding, CMSS
Music, Movie and Four Point modes
are appropriate for use with multi-
coded sources such as DVD games. In
some game titles, the movie sequences
may be encoded in Dolby Surround
but the game sequences may be in the
WAV format. CMSS Movie mode
supports 6-channel output for .WAV,
.AVI, .MIDI and other audio software
formats. Few, if any of these kinds of
formats are Dolby Surround encoded.
The FOURPOINT mode passes the
four discreet channel audio of four-
channel games direct to each satellite
channel. It does not synthesize rear
channel output, so stereo signal in this
mode will play just through the front
two speakers and subwoofer.
The STEREO mode plays the Left
and Right Front speakers and the
subwoofer. It also lets you hear the
stereo downmix from any DVD.
Audio Mode Selection
The stereo soundtracks of some
movies on the Video CD (VCD
format) contain different languages.
For example, a two channel soundtrack
may contain Mandarin on the right
channel and English on the left
channel. The VCD program literature
should indicate the presence of dual-
language soundtracks. Similarly, some
movies in the DVD format will contain
dual-language soundtracks. DTT2500
Digital lets you select one of these
languages and play it through both the
Left and Right speakers.
If there is no indication of which
channel is which and you hear two
different language soundtracks during
stereo playback, select the “LL” and
“RR” settings until you find the
language soundtrack you want.
The Audio Mode selection feature
can only be used with the PCM digital
soundtrack of a Video CD or DVD
with a stereo soundtrack, not a DVD
encoded with Dolby Digital 5.1 sound
or Dolby Surround-encoded material.
If you have an analog program with
separate left and right channels (the
analog output of a CD ROM, or the
analog stereo output of a “software”
video CD, for instance), you will have
to use the balance control in your PC’s
audio software to mute the undesired