This means that the white indent is to be set on zero on the scale for exact zero-height position
and the click-stop needs to be ignored. This solution has made the combination of lens panel and
backside interface even more compact.
The new designed helical mount for the 24 mm digitar lens makes the use of this lens possible in
combination with the double shift body and all four interface solutions.
Standard Models:
Wide DS 24 Digitar
Wide DS 28 Digi HR
Wide DS 35 Digitar
Wide DS 47 Digitar
Wide DS 55 Digital
Wide DS 72 Digitar
Wide DS 90 Digitar
Weight (with 47mm lens): 1.7 kg
Size (with 47mm lens, hxbxd): 22,8x21,9x10,7 cm.
Lens shift all models
20mm horizontal left
20mm horizontal right
40mm vertical upward
20mm vertical downward
Both movements are in the body construction, not on the lens panel.
Note that the image circle of the used lens and the image size define the amount of single
/ combined shift that is optically possible.
The digital solutions include a special Wide DS backside adapter to fit digital backs directly on a
Hasselblad V, H1, Contax 645 or Mamiya 645AFD adapter. Optionally there is a Mamiya RB
adapter available.
These interfaces fit to the existing Wide DS camera and are calibrated on the camera to get the
best possible sharpness in the optical system.
All digitar lens-systems are also factory calibrated and reversible on the Wide DS body.
The WDS Digital camera is now standard prepared for the 24 digitar, 35 digitar and 47 digitar
Schneider lenses and the 55 apo sironar digital lens of Rodenstock. The body is also useable in
combination with the super angulon 38 XL, 47 XL, 58 XL, 72 XL, 6.8/90 and apo-symmar
5.6/150L Schneider lens. For other lens solutions contact your Cambo dealer.
For the use of all lenses except for the 24, 35 and 47 digitar lenses, the 38 XL and the 47 XL
the lens solutions include filling frames at the back to get the Ground glass holder at the right
Optical Viewfinder
There are new viewfinder masks available with the new Wide DS digital solutions. The masks
are rotatable in steps of 90°. The viewfinder conta ins a circular level through a mirror for hand
held levelling.